
Joined: April 2, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 44932
My name is Tiffany. I am 16 yrs old. AM in a serious relationship, and am engaged to the most amazing man I've ever met. I have a new myspace so if you want add me as a friend on there-

Quotes by Christopher

Its okay if you think you can get him back because I know he's all mine. Your tricks and games wont work. Not when it comes to him and I.
Its okay if you think you can get him back because I know he's all mine. Your tricks and games wont work. Not when it comes to him and I.
Fruit you...fruit me... oh fruit I messed up! Fruit it, lets start fruitin again! hahaha
That thongs a nice touch.
Im cereal, Im really not lying...
I have a confession to make to the world...


I just want everyone to know the truth!
He's my first love and I know he'll be my last because I'll never have another, marks my words.
My mascaras smearing but I dont care as long as your here and no one else
Do you know why I call him Mr.Happy???
Oh, its because he makes me very very happy if you know what I mean,lol.