
Joined: May 10, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 108627

Quotes by xxJessicaLynnxx

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Dude, They want me ;]
 And I Just Cant Keep Livin This Way
_..-~-.._..->Starting Today,
Im Breaking Outta this Cage

and sometimes,
///i feel like

Knows The
Real Me <|3


 They Say Im Strong
They say Im fearless
They say nothing can move me
Nothing can change my mind
I can achieve my goals
With no stopping
I can do anything
I say

They're Wrong

xxand sometimesxX
Im to afraid to
even tell my

///Bestfriend s 

Im not afraid
xxxxOf what i have to say <3
-So, yesterday, my teachers son hit his brother in the face with a book
When my teacher, his dad, asked why he did that
What was his response?

"Well, he was getting into Myspace so i decided i had to Facebook him."
Needless to say,
I have faith
in future generations

HAHA True Story
When the teacher told us this we were cracking up
<3 Click it?

the Most Childern born to one mother is 69.
The father kept having more kids after, so he had 82 living children

When Angry, Polar Bears Hiss Like Cats