
Joined: July 19, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 83315
    De    MarchMar March 4th, 2012 ; Completely and utterly in love with him. Volleyball later on, gonna be a good sunday. Well, aside from the homework & crap /:


Going to be 16 in 16 days.
5foot7inches & 150 pounds of pure sarcasm.
I'm a pretty cool person;
get to know me :)
comment me or follow me on twitter,
or friend me on facebook.
Just let me know you're from wittyprofiles.
I don't wanna think that you're steady creepin' on me.
thanks guys ; check out my quotes (:
follow me ; twitter.
befriend me ; fb.
comment me (:
follow me  on hurr  (:

Quotes by xoFadingFreakxo

i deserve to be happy.
i deserve to smile.
i am beautiful.
& i will not change for anyone.
if you think too much, are ugly & proud, imagine you're a crumb on the kitchen floor when you're bored, and just love to talk, follow me on tumblr, my blog is there now.. I try to update daily, I'm new to the tumblr game. I'm not trying to make this advertising, it's just I don't want to write on here since witty has changed. I still love you witty, you just need to be back to normal.
to make a good friend with a really nice butt and social issues, follow:

you won't regret it!
or maybe you will.
or maybe not.
but probably yes.
but only yes if you're not awesome.
and no if you're a magestic unicorn.

& boy,
I couldn't think of anything more superb
than waking up next to you <3

If only life was like the Witty Detox..
My Grandpa:
*watching Spongebob*
WHAT?! What is this?! You know, you think that if there was that much water then there wouldn't even be a fire in the first place..

If Witty Is Gone  k

what will we do ?

<< </3

Head Up, Pretty Girl 
Chapter 4
What did he just say? My mind was in spirals as a pulled away slowly and looked him in the eyes..
those big, beautiful blue eyes. I blinked hard to make sure I'd heard him right, and apparently gave him a
confused look. "What's wrong?" he asked me. I realized I was staring. How embarrassing. I didn't know what to
say, so.. I improvised. I pressed my lips against his hesitantly until I felt his reply. My heart could have won the
Indy 500 at that moment in time. Man, the kiss felt so good. The only problem is that it felt more lusty than loving.
But, there was some love there. There were hidden feelings that ran through my head as we kissed. When I pulled
away I looked at him and noticed I had pushed him all the way back on his porch. Whoops.. must have not been paying attention to him that much. I mentally laughed as he looked at me with rouge cheeks, his head leaning back on the
porch. "Well, damn," he said. I was so embarrassed. "I'm so sorry," I explained,"I don't usually-" He cut me off.
"Come here." he took me by the hand and led me into his house through the back door. We walked into his living
room. He put his hands gently around my face and kissed me even more passionately than before. He backed up
my body toward the couch and I stopped giving him a cautious look. "I just want to kiss you," he said. He looked
up at me with those sparkling blue eyes and I went back to kissing him. I let him guide me to the couch. He laid me down and made sure I was comfortable before we continued. My face was blistering hot, as it always was when I
would make out with a guy, but this was different than making out. I felt something with us and I knew we were going
to go places. He was on top of me propping himself up as he kissed me. The radio was playing and we moved to the
beat. I had never done anything like it before. He stopped occasionally to ask if I was okay, which I would always reply
a breathy "yes". I stopped him for a minute to look outside. It was getting dark out already. I put my hands on his shoulders, my weight forcing him back, and I flipped roles. I bent down to kiss him, keeping the rhythm of the
music. Sometimes I stopped to see his reaction and looked at him. Face, still red, still adorable. Eyes, still blue,
but filled with desire. I looked down at my phone.

u need 2 come home now
It was from my grandpa.. I swear I'm going to hell for teaching him how to text.
I looked down at Justin in an "I'm sorry" manner. I got up and started for the door. "I'll call you tonight.. I might be back
soon." And I walked out. I got to the edge of the street until I heard footsteps behind me. He spun me around and kissed
me. He moved us from the darkness into the illumination of the street light. I stopped and looked at him, smiling. 
"I'm not ashamed of you.. I'm not ashamed of us.. but I am a little scared about how I feel.. I will text you, call you,
whatever you want, I promise you." He gave me one last strong kiss and then let me go. I ran down the street to the library and up my grandparents stone library. Almost no lights in the house were on and my grandpa was looking out of the kitchen window as I walked up the man-made stairs to the back deck. He did not look happy.


I need someone 
to  make me a CSS layout that describes my personality.
Please comment me if you can make them (:


Head Up, Pretty Girl 
I decided to head up to Ricky's real fast. Ricky had been a family friend for my whole life and owned his own
drive-thru. He'd be thrilled to see me and, truth is, I really wanted a mountain dew slush. i walked uptown past
my old gymnastic center, which was now emptied and seemed ghostly. Right across the street was Ricky's. Usually,
there was a lot more traffic on this street, but oddly enough, not today. "It's not a holiday," I said aloud. I looked both
ways again like my mother had always emphasized, sighed, and crossed the walk to Rick's. I walked in, the bells on
the door chiming in harmony behind me. I looked around, keeping an eye out for Ricky. He wasn't there. I felt a groan
in my throat. I was burning up. "Can I get a small mountain dew slush, please?" I asked, somewhat panting.
The cashier chuckled a little and then mustered a "yes ma'am." I paid him the buck-fifty that i owed him and then i
was out of there. i looked down at my slush. he had given me a purple spoon-straw. Fact one, I loved spoon straws, and fact two, I loved the color purple. "Today is gonna be a good day." I found myself roaming past the library again,
coming up on Justin's house. I saw him from a distance. he looked the same as he did last summer; tan skin,
not skinny or chubby, but just the right size, dark brown hair like mine, and short as usual. he was wearing a star
wars shirt and blue athletic shorts that didn't match. I tried glancing over when I could, but I knew he was staring at me
and i didn't want him to think I stalked his life. "KENNA!" he shouted across the street. I looked over obviously now. he
was waving like a little kid, which was kind of adorable. I walked to the edge of the sidewalk and again looked both
ways. There were about 20 cars coming from each side of the street. Really? The streets hadn't been busy all day
and they choose now to be busy? We looked at each other from across the street, chuckling at the irony together.
There was a gap between the cars coming, so i ran across as fast as i could. I looked back as the car zoomed past where
i was just running. I made it. I mentally patted myself on the back for not dying. I looked at him and he was smiling back
at me. "What?" I said, blushing a little. "Don't expect me to run across this street for you all the time." he laughed
again, his blue eyes intoxicatingly gorgeous. Then, without a word, he took my hand and led me to his backyard.
Why was this so natural, I thought to myself, being careful not to think out loud like usual. We sat down on his
back step together and I looked around, being socially awkward. I felt his warm hand come to my face, pulling my eyes
to his. The feeling was like a blow to my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. but it had never felt this right before.
he slid his hand down to my waist and pulled me in closer. Naturally, I laid my head on his shoulder.
his voice broke the awkward-yet-not-so-awkward silence.
"I really want to kiss you right now, but my body just won't let me."
keep going? (:

keeI I decided ikeepjjfk 

Head Up, Pretty Girl 
 Chapter 2
"Hey, gramps," I say as I walked in their front door, stepping on the creaking ramp leading into their dining room.
It always drove my grandpa nuts when I stepped on it. "Walk over it," he said casually. Saw it coming. "And you aren't
gonna be on that damn phone all night." He hated when I texted, or did anything with technology for that matter,
considering he was old fashioned. "yeah, yeah, nice to see you too. Food? I'd love some." I made my way to their fridge. He always had homemade pizza (which was better than most pizzerias) and made me chip dip occasionally.
I walked through the hall and passed the laundry room filled with my music boxes and snow globes from when I was
littler. My phone buzzed.
Whats going on?
I had to wait for my grandparents to go to sleep... Crap. My grandpa never liked me walking around Ada because
he considers me his little girl. Which.. I guess I am. He's basically my dad... I decided to give it a shot. "Grandfazzahhhh."
He was watching Seinfield and drinking a tall glass of milk, his nightly routine. "No." Ugh, he knows me too well.
"But... I haven't even asked you yet! Hear me out," I poked out my bottom lip. "You're staying here." Okay.. this over
protectiveness has gone way too far. I am glad that he cares about me.. But, I'm almost 16. I can (and should) be
able to make my own decisions. You think he'd cut me a little slack, considering I'm an honor student and just an
all-around good kid.. Well, as far as my family was concerned I was good. "Just let me run up to Rick's, please. I want
a slushie and I'd had to ask you or grandma to get up and take me. You need your rest." There it was again, the silent
pause that meant he was pondering. "There and back," he said sternly. i heard my grandma's voice out of her room.
"Take your time, Kenny-bird. You need to walk for volleyball anyways. Leave that child alone, Larry." I loved my
grandma.. Although, she was a little crazy at times (and by times I meant most of the time). "Thanks, be back soon."
I put on my flip flops and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. Long dark hair pulled back in a high
ponytail with navy blue headband, navy blue tshirt, and jeans shorts with navy blue flip flops I had just gotten from
Old Navy. I looked like I usually did- not pretty, not ugly. Ah well, I barely knew this kid and the last time he saw me
I was 30 pounds heavier. I put on some of my clear gloss and headed for the back door. I walked down my grandpa's
steps that he made with his own two hands and gazed at the back yard where I'd had so many memories.
Walking down the stone driveway and onto the sidewalk, I smiled and pulled out my phone.
Be outside. I'm on my way and I don't want to be kept waiting.

And, like always, two seconds later:
Waiting on my porch.
i smiled again and put my phone in my pocket. I started thinking to myself, realizing what this was becoming.
What I didn't understand is how it was becoming so natural.
I made my way to the end of the drive, looked both ways, and then crossed the not-so-busy backroad to the library.

should I keep going? Comment. (: