
Joined: January 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146482
well hey there pretty girl and/or boy(: i'm mariah and i'm a sophmore in high school. here's a little bit about me: words to describe me: Belieber, Directioner, Mahomie, Gleek, Fun, Outgoing, Stupid, Obnoxious, Caring, Loving, immature/mature things i like: long walks on the beach, bike rides through parks, skipping through a field of flowers, driving around, windows down music blaring, thunder&snow storms, music, singing, dancing, acting badly, doing nothing, palm trees, orange juice, country music, being clean, people who text me first, swimming, jumping, tacos, nutella, being down south, new york city, bubbles things i dislike: haters, fake people, famous singers who can't sing, bad attitudes, 18 wheelers, annoying 8 year olds, yellow, annoying 17 year olds(sierra), cold showers, hot sauce, mayo, screamo, exercising, running, moving, hurricanes, tornadoes, hitting my funny bone, brats, sausage, spit, new york, rachel(big brother) things i love: you(:
One Direction gif Pictures, Images and Photos

Quotes by xmariahxoxo

go plank... on a highway... during rush hour.



fave if you know where that's from              



you're a fine piece of Real Estate, and i'm gonna get me some




You know you're addicted to witty when;;

You're at a party, and you go on Witty from your phone, and you totally zone out.


your lips look so lonely, would they like to meet mine?



everyday i see my dream.
