
Joined: May 21, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109629
Location: Steve said watch out for stalkers, so lol
Gender: F


Quotes by x3Sammileex0o

"Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no

longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”

— Robert Tew
Rules are made to be broken
We say we love flowers,
yet we pluck them.
We say we love trees,
yet we cut them down.
And people still wonder why some people are afraid when told they are loved. 
Dream  B I G dreams.
Be yourself.
Have fun.
Forgive others, even when it's not easy.
Try n
ew things.
Laugh often and
Do all things with  e 
Since I go to a prep school, everyone is rich has Macs, iPhones and top brand clothing. I wanted to get an iPhone but I didnt beg my parents for one, neither did they buy it. I worked for it, and I feel much better working for something than getting it handed to me. Clearly when they all get older they will have some life lessons to learn.

When you ignore someone, their quotes won't show up in the lists of quotes. So if there is someone whose quotes you really don't feel like seeing all the time *cough*1D*cough*, you can ignore them.

Steve you are the cat's fricken meow.
I feel like I lost all of my friends. All of my best friends seem to don't care about me. Maybe I'm just thinking it and it isn't true, but I've never felt so alone. I make an effort to talk to them, but they never seem to make an effort to talk to me. We used to have hilarious convosations and talk for hours about nothing. I love them to death, but I feel like they don't want to be my friend anymore. Which sucks because I've never felt so depressed, and I need them the most right now. I just want to know that they're there for me and if I ever had a bad day I could call them, or have a shoulder to cry on. But that's my problem, I'm always helping people out with their problems and never expect anything in return but when it comes to me needing the help and advice, they're never there. This sucks, I miss my old best friends.
Addicted - Morgan Page feat. Greg Laswell
Best song ever.
So I've decided,
even being in this weird state, I need to stop taking my anger out on others. 
From now on, I will keep my mouth shut and just walk away if I become angry. I don't want to be known as a mean, or snobby girl. I want to be known as the girl that is easy to talk to, friendly, and is friends with everyone. I'm giving Nice Sammi another go, except this time I will not let others walk all over me.
Lets see if I can stick to my word.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been happy at all lately. Even when I'm with my friends, it still feels like I'm all alone. No one wants to listen to what I have to say, and everything is boiling up. Well I can't take sitting her not saying anything or being listened to, so I take my anger out on everyone. I don't want to, it just happens. Its like I'm in this slum and It's impossible to fix.