
Joined: March 21, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 71081
messed up my profile; fix later.
Hey everyone!
It's Morgan. I made my witty years ago then lost the password, then got it back! I hate my screenname but oh well I'm not starting over with all of my lovely followers. :) I love my friends so much. Avril is my best friend! So pretty much all you need to know about me is that I just love to laugh and have a good time, and I hardly ever get embarassed :)
 Best Friend Qutoes 2

Quotes by soccerplayerrr21

My life is just
» one big headache.
I really need to talk to somebody,

the problem is the only person I trust is myself.

who makes your heart skip a beat.
I'm not saying I want to die,
I'm saying I wouldn't mind if I did.



He wrote me this.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You got dropped on your head,
But I still like you.
You are special to me,
This much you can see,
I really like your hair, smile, and eyes,
The worst part about seeing you is saying goodbye.
You are funny, beautiful, and kind,
I could keep talking about you, line after line,
You are special to me so please stick around,
If you leave, I will most definitely frown. 



Best friend: knock knock
Me: who's there
Best friend : Brittany spears
Me: brittany spears who
Best friend : knock knock
Me: who's there
Best friend : Oops I did it again!
Me: keep that going til the world ends
Best friend : only if u seek amy
Me: then I guess you'll just have to hit me baby one more time
Best friend : after we go to the circus
Me: then things will get toxic
Best friend : ok just don't hold it against me
Me: that might just drive me crazy
Best friend : just gimmie more
Me: that would make you a womanizer
Best friend : do you want a piece of me
Me: fine let's do it, count to 3



There is no rule that says when you break up with someone you have to hate them.
You can't go from loving someone one day to hating them the next, and considering you hate me now,
you must have all along. 



be careful
who you 
 your friends.
 I'd rather
 4 quarters
 then 100 pennies.

Maybe one day you'll regret leaving the one person that always stood by you.