
Joined: November 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134001

so there's this boy and this girl ;)
and i think we might just be in love


Quotes by olivia_xoxo

...and all the butterflies that were in my stomach
erupt and i begin to blabber on about everything i am
 thinking...but he still agrees to see me in public

I saw my ex today and for the first time I walked straight past him and acted like I didn’t even care and now everyone is saying that HE wants me back…well it sucks to be him because I have someone new and he CAN NOT have me.

So on Sunday I was at my boyfriend’s rugby game and there were these chicks who kept looking at me and my friend like they were better than us. They were also perving on my BF and when the game was finished he came over to me but had to go past them first and they were getting all excited and were like ‘OMG he is coming over here’ and then he walked straight past them to come and say ‘I didn’t know you were watching me today?? I love you’ and kissed me..
The looks on their faces were priceless.

Dear All Time Low,
I am absolutely IN LOVE with Dirty Work…you did good..

anyone agree???


when you think you can trust one they turn around and rip your heart out of your chest

I hate it when you are listening to you iPod and daydreaming and everyone automatically thinks you are angry at the world…I mean seriously guys 

When the guys love Justin Bieber more than the girls and deny it soooo much…and you’re like ‘umm you hair looks just like his and you know every line to every song’.. 

Stop with the f*****g mind games
Stop texting me late at night saying you love me, because I believe you every time you say it even though I know you’re lying.
Stop talking to you friends about me.
Stop with the sneaky glances in class.
Stop messing with my emotions.
Please just stop all of it and give me time to stop loving you, because I need to get over you. 

..possibly the best show ever..

i love it when a song describes how you are feeling perfectly..
not because you can relate to the lyrics

but because for those couple of minutes it doesn’t feel like you are alone
and that feeling gives you the hope you need <3