
Joined: May 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 110448

i’m always a mess. i can never keep my own secrets.
i laugh too hard at stupid things. my favorite songs
can make me cry. i always watch for 11:11, but i miss
it more than i notice it. i live in the past, in the
memories i have with the people i love. i hate thinking
about reality and i’m heartsick for all the things
that i can’t get back. its hard for me to define myself.
i guess i’m just a cliche— the girl who loved too hard
and didnt get anything in return. i dont want to be
the heroine in some tragic love story, i just want the
one person who has never given me a second thought.

getta know me (:

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Quotes by emileeashly

Doing a bit of a different quote...

I have a different situation going on than most people my age, so I figured if anyone had any questions about what it's like, how people treat me now, ect. I could help; just leave it in a comment. My situation is that I am a senior in high school and 13 weeks pregnant. I have a night that's actually free, so I figured I'd spend it on Witty since I haven't been on in awhile (hi strangers~).

If you have hate, keep it to yourself. Remember, every situation is different and before you decide to judge someone, learn their's.

I hate when
the wind makes me eat my hair.

Stop wishing they would break up.
Stop comparing every guy to him.
Stop wishing he'd fall for you.
Stop wasting your time on this.
Stop being so in love with him.
Just stop and accept all of it.

He's happy.


Pretending to be friends
with someone you love
is like trying to breathe underwater.
You can't hold it for too long
because if you try to, you won't
make it out okay.



you’ve succeeded in hurting the girl who truly loved you.




For just once
could you be honest with me?




     Dear Santa,
define good?




Why would you

lie about being in love with someone?


I am just so sick and tired of this.
     I want to be alright without you. I want to be able to go a
month, a week, a day, an hour without thinking of you.
Without wondering why it is you don’t care at all anymore.
I just am so sick and tired of needing you in my life,

     knowing that you only make me sad. 

   not mine just can relate.