
Joined: April 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 106878
Not going to lie
quotes pull me through the day
The only way I can capture all my feelings; no matter what
So help me to do just that:)
Give me something to remember<3

You can call me ange, im a freshman, I live in CT. thats probably all you need to know:) but if you want to get to know me on aim or here or whatever...go ahead:)

also if I don't say where my quotes come from on the bottom, then they are my own because i write songs:)

Quotes by angelamstra9

I throw my hand up in the air sometimes, singing:
 gotta let go!"

Do people know how it feels to not say anything,
but to know everything at the same time?
your eyes could light up any room,
and you don't even try<3

And you come away with a great little story...
of a mess of a dreamer
with the nerve to adore you</3

--Taylor Swift, As cold as you
(first quote, and yes most of mine will be songs)