
Joined: May 21, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109616

name: shannon
age: 13
birthday: august 18
relationship status: sorry boys, im taken ;) 
likes: skiing, music, playing piano, skiing, acting, singing, mikeyy <3 
dislikes: talking, people, haters, not mucchh lol
music: classic rock, dudee :)

get to know me!! :)

Quotes by ShAmPoWww

I think my best guy friend likes me 
he's always been there for me
he texts me everyday
he hates my boyfriend

but hes not that good looking

and hes kinda fat
and he has a little bit of a unibrow

but..... (highlight) 

love hiim like a brother

im so glad you chose me 
                and not her


Team Edward orr... 

         Team Jacob? 

                (you can pet 


            all mine, no jockin

who else's summer sucks?

A boy who really likes you would... 
       kiss you in front of ev1
       text you constantly 
       know exactly when    
       to say i love you
       and to see if youre ok.

please, be that kind of boy for me <3

I just need to take a shower, to clear my head.
I just need to take a break, just go to bed.
I just need to get out of here, to leave, please, let me go, set me free. because i know youre sick of me.

this fourth of july, im wearing ALL of my red and blue silly bandz


if you have red and/or blue, wear them. if you dont, get them. repost this EVERYWHERE just please put sHaMpOwWw under it, okay? thanks! <3 u!


the NORMAL kids are sitting there, roasting marshmellows.
 but me...
im hangin out trying to light the stick on fire
