
Status: chat me dammit!
Joined: March 5, 2012
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 281166
Location: johnson city, ny
Gender: M
I like to be an a** hole sometimes. Not all the time.

Quotes by corey_taylor*

I signed back on to this site to see the cringe fest that is you emos whining about your first world problems 
I love how I went
from goody goody christian
to full blow satanist
in about a week
I looked at all of you as friends
as people I could trust.

Then, you all just decided
I wasn't worth the time

Now I wish I never met
any of you
omg, i was going through my old comments and saw my ex on there
and i had no idea who she was for a few minutes

proves how much i cared about you :P
sometimes your knight in shining armor
is just a
r-tard in tin foil
guitar player problems#1
droping your pick in your guitar for what feels like the 50TH F**KING TIME

I swear to Satan, if I have the bad luck of seeing one of your stupid quotes of you trying to be "deep", I'm gonna rip my eyes out.
I hope you get hit by a car
(this really happened)
*listening to sad acoustic guitar song*
friend: whats wrong?
me: nothin
friend: dude, whats wrong?
me: nothing
friend: bullsh*t, whats wrong

i can like a sad song without being depressed -_-
I becoming the man
I swore I would never be