
Joined: May 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 171199

nolite timere name is Heather. And...I'm just a silly girl with big dreams. I can be your best friend or worst enemy. I'm loyal to a fault and I take things too seriously. My favorite colors are teal and black. I wasn't born to fit in, so why should I try? I'm a total nerd. I love video games, reading, and drawing. I' ve been through a lot in the 18 years I've been on this Earth. I'm pretty awesome and love-able.
And, if I find a really great quote here on Witty, I take a permanent marker and write it on the wall above my bed. How cool is that?


Quotes by NeonLove

I know this isn't pretty. But I don't care because you all need to read this. I've been bullied on facebook for so long, and just let it happen. It didn't stop. So, I took a stand:

Heather NeonLove Dude, shut your mouth. Seriously, just shut up. I'm sick of you thinking you can type whatever the f*ck you want and it won't hurt people. Do you have ANY idea what it feels like to have sh*t like this said about you CONSTANTLY?! Do you know what it's like to have no one stick up for you, even though they claim to be your friend? You are so STUPID for thinking that just because it's the internet, doesn't mean it doesn't affect people. Have you not heard about the people who commit suicide because idiots like you can't learn to stop. Or do you just not care? Think of how many people you are actually hurting before you start typing something rude like that. Think of how many people would be suffering if someone like me decided they had enough and killed themselves, because your careless words were the thing that sent them over the edge. You need to grow up. And, yeah, it's the internet. Yeah, I don't know you in real life. But, that doesn't make me any less of a person. That doesn't mean that it hurts less. Because, it hurts just the same. And, no I'm not going to apologize that this is long or that I'm giving you notifications. Because this needs to be done. I'm sick of standing back and letting you walk all over me. Shut your f*cking mouth because you never know how much you are going to hurt someone.

If you are being talked crap about, take a stand. You are worth more than any of those people.


You know what's beautiful?
Read the first word again.



I may not be five gum,
but I can still stimulate your senses.



If you can't handle me at my worst,
you don't deserve me at my best.



Happiness can be found even in
the darkest of times, if one
only remembers
to turn on the
-Albus Dumbledore


nolite timere
that's Latin for 'not afraid'
that's also my motto. 


I used to be the kid that no one cared about

That's why you have to keep screaming 'til they hear you out
