
Joined: March 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 286827
Hey my name is Madison. I have two sisters Stephanie And Kelsey. I am a twin with Kelsey she is the one that is with me in the picture. I love sports I play Basketball Volleyball and fastpitch softball! My favorite is softball!!  I am always here for advice!(: Follow me I will follow back!!:D



Quotes by Maddiej101

Going to Cedar Point tomarrow!<33

We are never ever getting back together!<3


Saw the Katie Perrry movie!<3

I love that there is always something to talk about with him!

Five Months Later

I woke up with a start, realizing my alarm hadn’t gone off at all. I smiled to myself as I looked out the window. I had a date with Ty today. Six months ago, I would have gone crazy trying to get ready in the fifteen minutes I had, but now, I didn’t need half of that time. I got out of bed lazily, stretching as I stood up. I trotted over to my closet and pulled out a navy blue spaghetti strap dress with a ruffled top and brown gladiators. I threw my dress on and then put on just a trace of mascara. I brushed through my hair and grabbed my shoes. Ty didn’t care whether I was wearing a prom dress or my pajamas. He said I was beautiful no matter what I did to myself. I could die my hair to look like the rainbow and walk around in a sack for the rest of my life and he wouldn’t care. I took one last look in the mirror and then I walked out my bedroom door and down the stairs.
I passed the kitchen and walked over to the entry-way.
“Whoa there, little girl,” Michael came out from the kitchen and handed me a granola bar. “Didn’t think you’d get out of here without something to munch on, did ya?”
I laughed. “I guess not!” Michael and I exchanged goodbyes and I walked out to the driveway.
Ty was standing in front of his crappy, old car. I couldn’t hold my smile back when I saw him. He was wearing a blue plaid button down with light wash jeans and tan sneakers. But what made him look so handsome was his smile that seemed to get bigger every step I took closer to him.
“Well, hi there, beautiful lady,” Ty grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, picking me up into his arms, my feet above the ground.
I giggled as he lowered me to the pavement. He opened the door for me, not just to be a gentleman, but also because the door was so rusted, it was too hard for me to open by myself.
As we were driving along, my mind wandered back to what had happened the past five months. Ty had been the one to find me in the bathroom and had carried me outside to the ambulance in his big, muscular arms. Michael made me join a support group and always made sure that I had something to eat every meal of the day, even when I was stuffed with food so I couldn’t move. Alice and I are okay now, but we are no longer friends. She is currently studying abroad in Italy and I haven’t talked to her since she left the airport four months ago. I haven’t talked to Carson in months and any time he comes near me, Ty would put his arm around me protectively. I even quit my job at Framed. But the biggest and best change was that Ty and I fell inevitably and unconditionally in love with one another. Ty had been the one who came with me to each and every therapy session, support group meeting, and even helped me find a new job at a local boutique in downtown Westchester.
When I started my job at Framed, I weighed about 140 pounds, which really wasn’t anywhere near overweight. I just thought it was because there were so many girls around me in the mall, obsessing over their “fat” bodies when they only weighed 98 pounds. I thought since they thought they were overweight, I certainly needed to change my diet. After two weeks of working there, I had gone down to 103. Slowly, I was working my way back to a normal weight and I was currently at 116. I never realized how what I was doing was so bad for my body. Food still seems disgusting to me at times, but I’m starting to recover and becoming the old Victoria again.
We turned a corner and drove along the woods. After about fifteen minutes of driving, we pulled to the side and got out of the car.
Ty walked to the back and pulled out his picnic basket and I grabbed the blanket out of the backseat. We walked across the street and up to the little white cross with a pink-floral wreath around it.
Ty pulled out a bouquet of red roses and laid them next to the small cross. I came up behind him and gently grabbed his hand. Once he felt my touch, he looked up at me and smiled. Then he pulled me into a light, tender kiss. His lips fit perfectly interlocked with mine.
He pulled back and whispered, “I love you, Victoria.”
“I love you, too.” My smile was radiant.
And then he pulled my hand and we walked down the road to our favorite spot alone in the woods that no one else knew for our quiet picnic.
And I swear, the sun was only shining for us.
It's done, guys. I hope you guys liked the ending, I thought it was fitting(: But, you know the drill, let me know what you think or in other words, pleeeeeease give me your feedback, not just on this chapter, but the whole story! I cannot thank you guys enough for supporting me through this whole process. I actually never thought anybody would like it at all, and I still don't think I'm honestly that good. But please fave if you read this(:
Fave, Follow, TellYourFriends♥
Teaser for my next story, Candy Hearts:
I turned my head to see his bright blue eyes. They met my brown eyes, showing love, but something else as well. They were glistened with tears.


Sorry guys im TERRIFIED of clowns, i had to :(

Few years ago a mother and a father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. So they called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children.

Later in the night, the babysitter got bored and so she wanted.................................
to watch t.v but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they didn't have cable downstairs (the parents didn't want their children watching too much garbage) so she called them and asked them if she could watch cable t.v in the parents room. Of course the parents said it was okay, but the babysitter had one final request. She asked if she could cover up the large clown statue in their bedroom with a blanket or cloth, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father (who was talking to the babysitter at the time) said..... take the children and get out of the house..... we'll call the police... we don't have a clown statue..... the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown. it turned out 2 be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail.

if you don't re-post within 5 minutes the clown will be standing next 2 your bed at 3:00am with a knife in his hand


II   I wish people looked like there personality.


I want someone that will change my

life not my relationship status.<|3


Format: twilightgirl995

Maybe the girl that is

always there for everyone

needs someone to be there

for her!


Format by Sandrasaurus

All good things are wild

and free! <3

Format by Sandrasaurus