Weightloss Quote #7044290
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Hi everyone, I have tried to lose weight for about the past year,

Hi everyone,
I have tried to lose weight for about the past year, and have lost some, then plateaued and ended up gaining it back again. This cycle has repeated about 5 times, and with the summer right around the corner, I am DONE. I currently weigh 138.8 lbs, and I need motivation and commitment. Having an audience to have to report the weight loss to will give me the push I need to lose it, so here is my promise to myself.

I promise to myself that I will lose weight and will do so in order to be confident, happy, and have better overall health. I will do so by losing at least 1.25 pounds per week. By July 13, my first day of summer camp, I will weigh 121.3 pounds. Good job, but you're not done! By September 1, my first day of high school, I will weigh 129 pounds. By Thanksgiving, which happens to be my 15th birthday, I will weigh my ultimate goal weight of 106 pounds. This isn't going to be easy, but it will be worth every bit of struggle in the end. Lastly, I promise NOT TO GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK.



Steve 8 years ago
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Good luck! I look forward to reading about your progress!
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livlosesweight 8 years ago
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I meant 131.3 for July 13 btw
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