Love Quote #6937996
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Witty is kinda dead. So here's what we should do. 1. INVITE


Witty is kinda dead.
So here's what we should do.

It's the best way to get more active users. You don't have to tell them your account, but just show them the website! As many people as possible; if you think they'll be interested, get them to join. People wonder why the 'old witty' used to be so active. It's because a lot of users would constantly be inviting new people to join, and recycling the community. It works, so do it! 

Traffic is so sloooooow for two reason; there aren't a lot of uers, and therefore there aren't a lot of quotes. So write more quotes! Make the 'New' page active again. I'm not saying you should make a quote of every mundane thought that goes through your mind (not that there's anything wrong with that) but seriously, how can you complain about inactivity if you only write two quotes a week? Look at all your absolute favourite usres, or the ones with the most followers; more often than not, they'll be active themselves, and write a lot of quotes. That's the whole point of Witty.

I've noticed this year that some of you are pretty stringent with your faves. Which is cool. But just remember that the more quotes you fave, the more quotes get faves, and if everyone does that, theoretically, every quote gets more faves on average. This is how to go from gettign 100 faves on a top quote back to getting 1000.

Yeah, I get it, it looks 'messy' to follow a ton of people or whatever. But the fact is that it's gonna get more people to see more different users and their quotes. And you also get to see more cool quotes on your own homepage. And if everyone follows more people, then again, theoretically, everyone gets - on average - more followers, more people seeing their quotes, more traffic, blahblahblah.

Put up posters! If you care enough or are bored enough, take screencaps and post them on facebook/twitter/tumblr/instagram/whatever else you waste your time on. Tell the friends that you invite to invite THEIR friends.


- use this website how you wish everyone would. If you don't like a ton of boring layouts, make or use exciting one (you can literally use ANYONE'S layout as long as you keep credit; it's not that hard!). If you don't like your quotes only getting five faves, then fave more quotes. If you don't like quotes about cutting, for example, then don't write them, don't fave them, just ignore them!

- go to 'new' quotes before 'top quotes'. Regularly check up on the 'people you follow'.

-Talk to users you like! It's fun! You're never gonna make friends on here unless you comment users you'd like to talk to. It also gets more traffic in your page, btw. ;)

-For God's sake, stop complaining to Steve about every little thing. He's not your mother. If you have a problem, PLEASE try to solve it yourself before running to the site creator for help.

-I'm biased on this one. But please, ffs, use nice formats. And iclude credit, oh my god.

-I love love love going through all the quotes of users I like. If you're bored or you feel there aren't any good quotes here anymore, go to your followers list, and read all of the quotes by someone. I tend to do this a lot for users who have already left.

-Browse through 'following' lists. It's a great way to find new amazing users.

-WRITING ORIGINAL QUOTES IS NOT HARD. And pretty much everyone prefers it. So give it a try. :L

Okay, that's all I can think off the top of my head right now. Suggestions? Advice? Rants about the old witty and how much you miss it? The comment box is your friend. :') I may make more quotes like this. (Should I?) &&& what else lalalalaaaa, yeah,


P.S. Don't mind the tags. I need people to see this. xD


spence* 1 decade ago
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Everyone is complaining about how popular some wittian are, but isn't witty dying here? Witty is barely getting any members or are the members to lazy to fave or smth? Cause I have been scrolling through a lot of users and some of them use witty, if you want someone to have more faves fave their quote, follow them do anything to make witty get back up
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cujo* 1 decade ago
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I really hope witty will be more active. I miss the life of this website. I miss the ridiculously biased opinions, the fuçking satanists (don't worry, most of them were fake), the political arguments, the support systems, and the worldly community all fighting to be on the Top Quotes by favoriting their own quotes with 200 fake accounts. I miss that, it was messed up but there were good quotes, good perspectives, and good people. Not that there aren't any today, but you know.
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cujo* 1 decade ago
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There was time when a top quote could get you 2,000 to 4,000 favorites, believe it or not, that didn't take many days to build up.
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* Sabaism * 1 decade ago
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Did you include to write more quotes during Witty's busiest hours (You can find them on Steve's page if you're wondering when that is)
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josiewdog123 1 decade ago
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no when someone average writes quotes they get ignored, but when someone popular does they're quote doesn't get ignored.
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*gloomy* 1 decade ago
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I think I'm the only one who thinks this, but I kinda like Witty being small and there not being a lot of people on here. I mean, that's fine too but I feel like it's easier to get to know the people on here, and I think it also makes it easier to get into the top quotes (which shouldn't matter but whatever). Because I remember when like, 2 years ago, if you didn't have several hundred followers there was NO CHANCE for you to get a top quote. Literally you had maybe a 2% possibility, if that. (Given, it's still kind of like that not but I don't think it's as bad.)
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Steve* 1 decade ago
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thats actually kinda true,its nice that witty is small website bc like literally everyone knows each other even though you might not be friends or whatever x3 but then,its kinda TOO small ;u;
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† * 1 decade ago
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Good Idea, but the question is will us wittians do it? Everyone has been asking for us to do these things but were not making a lot of progress.
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Steve* 1 decade ago
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yeah,and its mainly because we're lazy xp
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† * 1 decade ago
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true dat homie x]
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supercalifredge 1 decade ago
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Thanks for posting this!
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InveitableAutumn 1 decade ago
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I totally agree!! I remember a while back when i went on witty and the top comments page of the day would have like 300-500 faves, now they only go up 130 or something. Their were many quotes to read and all were really good. We need more people to get back on witty! Btw this is my new account :3
I'll do my best!!
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72 Wittians like this

nicole🌹*cristymusicluverForeverSoulessVanillaChocolateFreakingPip**♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*spence*VioletCherriesMiluiel*уσυαяєѕσνєяувєαυтιfυℓχχ*Pitaya*✖︎whatever✖︎*Lex*Cameron*Y0UNGL0V3MURD3RAmenah


posted December 15, 2013 at 10:14am UTC tagged with love, friendship, funny, famous, lyrics, inspirational, cute, vent, lol, life, witty, true, music, idk, sad, tumblr, haha, wittyprofiles, requests, ugh, stories, um, meow, idek, hellyesimmatagtheshitoutofthis, nothisisntfromtumblr, thesetagsmakenosenseohmylol, whatelseisapopulartagquestionmarkquestionmark, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, advice

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