Advice Quote #5970842
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Lucid Dreaming What is it? A lucid dream is a dream in which

Lucid Dreaming

What is it?

A lucid dream is a dream in which you're aware that you're awake. This means you're
aware that nothing can hurt you.  You can control yourself, and if you practice a lot,
you can even control the dream and the things in it.

How do you do it?

There are a couple of methods of doing it, most people I know normally just lay completely
still with their arms by their sides and their eyes closed. You must lay completely still. Your
brain will start sending signals to your body like itches or wanting to move/open your eyes
but you have to ignore all of these impulses! It's hard but totally worth it. Make sure you're
in the right mindset while lying there (e.g. thinking about what you want to dream about
and focusing completely on lucid dreaming). After about 20-30 minutes, you'll feel weight
on your chest, but don't worry, it's not scary. This means you're finally in sleep paralysis!
Open your eyes and you'll start to hallucinate, then close them again and you'll start to
dream instantly.


My experience


I normally use the Wake Back To Sleep method (Google it) but some people find that
annoying and it ruins your sleeping pattern. In some of my dreams I've met the care
bears, been given a million dollars, visited Paris, and I've only had one bad experience
but since you're aware your dreaming, it doesn't really matter.  I try to lucid dream about
once or twice a week, it's truly an awesome experience. So yeah I just wanted to share
this with you guys so you could try it. If you have and questions, ask me! (:

(not mine, just wanted to save it.)
^ Me too, i want to learn how to lucid dream :)

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posted July 6, 2012 at 4:11pm UTC tagged with advice

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