Celeb Quote #5717016
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ONE DIRECTION At the sight of it, that name may make some of

At the sight of it, that name may make some of you cringe thinking,  "Oh great. Another quote
about those boys."
   And I'm not just making this because I'm a Directioner, because I think they're attractive,
or because I'm fangirling. I'm making this quote because of how much they mean to me. I've honestly
felt so close to a band and been so attached to one as much as I am to those 5 boys.
Everytime I'm in a sad or angry mood, I turn blast Up All Night and I'm smiling and singing along
in minutes. I understand all the inside jokes, like trying to explain how Harry and Louis are gay
for each other, but they aren't really gay. I admire their bromance and love each and every one of
They make me smile on a regular basis. I've met a ton of other people just as crazy about
them as I am and it's nice having someone who understands it all, to talk to. I've never met any
of the other Directioners, but
I feel close to each and every one of them. You know, I may never
meet Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn or Liam, but they'll never know the impact they've had on my life.


liveinlove_x 1 decade ago
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... didn't know i was a robot :o
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Sonny84 1 decade ago
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You are like my clone
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posted May 18, 2012 at 5:43pm UTC tagged with celeb

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