Inspirational Quote #1889419
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My thirteen year old sister has been on an IEP her whole life

My thirteen year old sister has been on an IEP her whole life [for kids with disabilities like reading] She hasn't been really into doing school work. and she can't read to well. This morning we were at the bus stop, she asked me to read her the last two paragraphs of the story she was suppose to read. I did. Coming upon a last name in the story i tried to pronounce it but i guess i pronounced it wrong because for the first time ever she was correcting me. When we got on the bus she sat next to her friend and started summarizing the story for her friend and telling her the characters names and the words she needed to know. needless to say, she has never once done this. this is the first time she has. i am extremely proud of her and very thankful to her reading teacher that has helped her come this far. <3

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Oliver_Is_Me 1 decade ago
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thats beautiful
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posted September 30, 2010 at 2:19pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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