
Joined: August 2, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 119015

Myspace Layouts

Quotes by yeahitssjanelle

 It's hard to act satisfied when you don't have
what you really want .

I'm not gonna lie , I don't really like the quotes with no format .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -  I think everything deserves to be pretty . *

Am I the only one who is getting pumped for
to come back on ?


It's not called being "whipped" ;
It's called respecting your girlfriend .


& we all wish -
we could fall in love like the people on our
chick flicks .



- its like screaming and no one can hear.
you always feel ashamed that someone could be that important that with out them you feel like nothing .
no one will ever understand how much it hurts ;
you feel hopeless -
like nothing can save you ;
then when its over & its gone
you almost wish you could have all that bad stuff back
so you could have the courage .

That moment when ;  
you're just so hurt you have no clue what to say .

Sometime you never realize how much you like someone -
until you see them with someone else .

Relationships are like glass ;
Sometimes its better to leave it broken then to take the chance of hurting yourself by trying to put back together the pieces.