
Joined: June 29, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 188950
You're beautiful♥
About me
 The name is Makayla. I am here for anyone that needs someone to talk to because I know I'd want someone to do the same for me.
Follow for a follow?
It doesn't matter to me if you're "different". I think you're beautiful and the way you are you is amazing♥

Quotes by xxmchildressxx

Did some girl really just tell me that Channing Tatum is ugly?

I feel bad for the visually impaired. 

There's something beautiful between y and i on your keyboard (: 

How did I end up on Witty? 
I was doing my homework....
Silly me, might as well check what's going on here! (;

If you're having a bad day...



Follome otumblr



 Nicki Minaj: You a stupid hoe
Me: You're* 


My grandparents
have been married for
33 years now
and still going strong♥
They give me hope.

It's like I was chasing a
taxi that was never
going to stop
-My best guy friend

I don't even know who One Direction is, but I sure know a lot about them.


 Did you know when you say "Raise up lights" you're saying razor blades in an Austrailian accent?
Mind = Blown

Credit: FaveFormats