
Joined: February 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 155003

Quotes by xxkiradaniellexx

My Crush
Say the name of your crush 6 times
Now make a wish about them
Pick love, or 10million dollars
Decide again, love or the money
Now repost this again in 60seconds and you will get an unexpected talking from him/her


okay witty girls, i need some advice. i have been with this guy on and over for over a year and a half. i love him more then anything in the world. i go to school with him he is a sophomore and im a freshman in highschool and i know were still young and i still have a long road a head of us. our relationship is hard to understand sometimes. one day we coulda wanna kill eachother and the next day we would be perfectly fine and it annoys people because were so bipolar but hey, welcome to my relationship. hahah. welll sometimes we argue over stupid stuff. i usually will start the fights.... i am the jealous type. i hate it alot but if i go on facebook and see a girl on his wall ill get upset and it hurts, so i say something to him and it goes down hill from there. i trust him with my life and i know for a fact he couldnt cheat on me. this one girl really bothers me , im not naming names but she calls him her baby. he told me he hasnt talked to girls in so long and i belive him. it doesnt bother me he talks to girls. i have a few guy friends that i talk to and he knows . he is fine with it, he trusts me and i wouldnt hurt him like that. guys like and comment on my pictures and it doesnt bother him, but it always seems to bother me when girls comment on his pictures and write on his wall. i guess it bothers me because if i comment he wont comment anything back but he will for them . its little things like that. /:  he acts like a total different person when were in school and when were hanging out. he is so cute and sweet when we hang out but school and bam he barely talks to me.. we have been fighting like that alot more now, i feel like sometimes he doesnt wanna be with me but i dont know what to do, Any adivce witty girls?? <33

i have a facebook so if you do have any add me.  its kiraa norton 
forever. pinky promise. <3.