
Joined: July 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 118109
Hey! I am Liz. I am 13 and turn 14 in October. I love summer even though I am a copetitive ski racer. I also play soccer and lax. I love witty and don't know what I would do with out it. I just love how I feel every witty girl understands. I love witty friends and am always williing to talk so hmu and leave a comment. Or feel free to email me at elisabeth2nd@yahoo.com or aim me at sourgreenappl593!
So I don't want to make this long, so check out my quotes and follow me and I will do the same back(:
I am doing the usual facebook, texting, youtube, tumblr, and of course witty(:
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Just type anything you want?



Quotes by xoxolipglossxoxo


Six Months...

d Counting
Love this boy with all my heart<3




It snowed...
I walked out side my dorm and he wrote I love you in the snow

I would have. You neve asked.

Just curious...

How did you all find Witty?
Comment your answers(;

I miss him. 

favorite if u just thought of someone

If anyone would like to help
me right a paper that would be 
great..... once again witty is the reason
I havn't done this paper yet!!


He  want s  to  video  chat 

But then he just plays xbox the whole time.

Then 15 minutes later calls and ask why i hung up.

To bad everything isn't just black and white like every quote on witty. Life isn't as simple as black and white just here is a way to think it is.