
Joined: June 6, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 78634

 Heyy guyss:D follow me* 
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Sabrina_Napoli9
Tumblr: http://sabrinaax0.tumblr.com/ 
:    h  hh 

My Bucket List
- tryout for a new sport
- fall in love
- to be kissed in the rain
- go to italy
- go bunggie jumping
- sky dive
- learn to surfboard
 learn to sail a boat
- try fencing
- learn karate
- learn spanish
- learn italian
-  ride a mechanical bull
- ride in a hot air balloon
- swim with sharks
- fly in a blimp
- go rock climbing
- go on a cruise

- see the White House
- go to New York ( Time Square )

- go to California
- see the empire state building
- climb up the Statue of Liberty
- go to Disney World
- visit Sea World
- go deep sea fishing

- see the Effile Tower
- learn to make pottery
- learn to juggle with 3 things
- finish high school
- sneek out
- put a vide on youtube an get +500 views
- swim with dolphin
- go whale watching
- milk a cow
- go to Time Squareon New Years Eve
- walk the pipes
- jump off the pump house
- to see lady gaga live in concert
- stay up for 24 hours
- stay up for 48 hours
- crash a party
- go skinny dipping
- go night swimming at 1am
- go coneing
- have 10 succesful prank calls
- interview random people and get it on camera
- order from 5 different takeouts to see how they taste
- make a scavenger hung and complete it
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started february 21, 2O11.