
Joined: May 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173121
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Hi there.
Hi guyss I'm Jillian. I'm 13 years old and am left handed. have big hair. I play basktball and lacrosse, and my favorite color is red. I can be obnoxious, clingy, inconsiderate, and rude. I admit it. But, I'm a damn good friend and I will always be there for the people I care about. I don't have a boyfriend, because I'm not that pretty and am one of the most awkward human beings you would ever have the pleasure to meet. I have depression. It's amazing what a smile can hide. I guess I'm semi popular; I have my friends that like me and I like them. A lot of people hate me, they can't accept people who speak their minds. People love to start rumors about me. I could care less anymore. I'm in love with somebody I shouldn't be.
So, the main reason I made witty was to help other girls struggling right now. I can honestly say I've been through hell. Last year, I was bullied every day. My parents are divorced, and we never get along. I've been betrayed by people I thought were my friends, and my heart has been broken. Yeahh that's all I have to say. Byee.
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Quotes by xoingly

Love makes the blood run through our veins,
burning icy hot fever to our heads.
 The three words used far too often mean the world to one but not the other,
etching scars into our hearts.
Love leaves us bleeding in the mind, body, and soul, 
like someone stabbing your chest, over and over again.
Now matter how hard the dagger pierces through us, we don't die.
We can't die.
 Love is the bittersweet suicide we succumb to, never leaving us the same.
Much like footsteps left in wet cement. 
Soon to dry and crumble as cracked memories.
The memories nobody sees as anything,
but the sole of a sneaker ground into the ordinary mud.

Love is nothing, until it happens to sweep you off your own feet.


Today, as my grandfather and I looked at old family photos together, including photos of my late grandmother, my grandfather said, “Nothing in this world is permanent. But don’t let that stop you from appreciating and loving what you have while you have it.” -makesmethink.com
.-he has the most beautiful eyes.
I'm so p*ssed off, I'm crying. I have nobody. Literally nobody. 

I feel like I’m stuck, running in circles. I’m gaining none, but losing strength as I keep trying to find something. I don’t know what it is, but it’s missing. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. This has been going on for a very long time. I’m stuck in a continuum, and I can’t see the end of the road. I can’t even see where I’ve started. It doesn’t matter how far I’ve traveled at this point. I’m skipping a stitch on the scarf; I’m missing the exit on the busy highway. 

Something isn’t right.

How dare you judge someone by their appearance! Don't you understand that they don't choose what they look like? It sickens me that people stoop to that level. 
Ok, this is the deal. Being nice to people you don't like isn't called being fake, it's called being civilized.  If they are aware that you are not too fond of them, it's not being anything but respectful. However, being nice to people only to talk behind their backs is not okay. THAT is what being a fake is.

Just felt like clearing that up.
How can you expect others to respect you,
when you don't even respect yourself?

I asked my 11 year old autistic brother  what he would do if he saw 2 boys holding hands. he said, "other people would think It's weird, but I don't. I like holding hands with cats. I think if you love someone you can hold it's hand."

-Christopher Robert Baxter
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