
Joined: April 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 164540

Hello Beautiful

My name is Abby&I'm 13 years of age. I live in the fabulous New England. I love it here. I have amazing friends and family. Single and loving life.
Follow for follow?

go check these cool kids out:
QuoteMexoh44, lauren_xo, oxonei ll43xo, and more I can't think of.


Quotes by xoabby55ox

credit: confessions_of_a_cutter
 I want to kiss you on
December 31st from 11:59 p.m to 12:01 a.m so I can have
a great ending to 2011
and an amazing beginning to 2012.



Do you know a turtle's only weakness ?

Uhh..their slowness ?
No. Their only weakness is that they can't they can't roll back when they are on their backs.


Oh, lol. So if you tape two turtles together, they'd be unstoppable, right ?



So you Witty girls are really

going to act like just since Brandon Cyrus isn't showing his "junk" in his picture anymore everything is all fine and dandy? Uh, no he is still a total jerk off for doing that in the first place.



Dear movies,

No one wakes up with hair that perfect..
Sincerely, teenagers every where who now have lowered expectations.

Ten Day Challenge.
Day one: 10 things I want to say to ten people
Day two: 9 things about myself
Day three: 8 ways to win my heart
Day four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot

Day five: 6 things I wish I never did
Day six: 5 things I love and why
Day seven: 4 turn offs
Day eight: 3 turn ons
Day nine: 2 words that describe my life and why
Day ten: 1 confession

Day Nine

1. I wish I never almost let you go. I regret everything about that day.

format credit to; idance.

I've always wanted to say,
"This is _____ and you're watching Disney Channel."