
Status: Remember, we're madly in love. You can kiss me whenever you want.<3
Joined: April 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 296043
Location: District 12

I am a diabetic and I have celiac disease. I'm just a girl, doing whatever and living my life. :) I am a Gleek, Directioner, and a Belieber, and I believe that all our fandoms can live together on Witty happily witout all this fighting if we try :) My haters are my motivators, and I couldn't survive without my family, friends, or him.♥ Witty is my second home, and my Witty sisters and bestfriends are the coolest, nicest, most amazing people you'll ever meet. :) One of my best friends introduced me to this site, an I couldn't love her more for it. Another one of my girlss just recently got a Witty, and she is one of the strongest people I have ever met.♥  Like I said before, I'm a Diabetic. I have been since I was 5 years old. So if you've got anything to say about it, chances are I've heard enough. 
Be nice to everyone you meet, because you never know what they're going through.
Stay strong. Someone else always has it worse.
I always follow back, and if you want someone to talk to, I would be eleated to oblaige.♥
Stay classy, lads and ladies♥

♥One Direction 
(But Niall Horan stole my heart)
♥The Glee Project
♥The Secret Life of the American Teenager
♥Switched at Birth
♥Tyler Oakley
(This kid is hilarious. Look him up on Youtube and I'll love you forever.)
♥Jenna Marbles
♥Alex Goot
(He is amazing. Youtube sensation right here.)
♥Joshua Ryan Hutcherson
♥Taylor Lautner
♥The Hunger Games
(Legit. Don't judge me.)
♥My family
♥My bestfriends
♥Mr. Fiesty and Precious
(My cats♥)
♥The Cab

  You're amaZAYN,                          extraordinHARRY,                         phanomeNIALL,                          brilLIAM,                          and fabuLOUIS.♥                                     Hey there, beautiful.♥                                         I love you.♥                                     Directioner, Belieber & Wittian♥        ♥          Hey the!! Scrolling  

Quotes by xlivelaughlove524x

Why do I bother to talk
if no one cares enough to listen?

That feeling you get
when you give up.
You throw your hands up in surrender,
and you stop trying.
You stop trying to please everyone.
To fit society's definition of "beauty".
To be the best.
To be the prettiest.
The smartest.
The richest.
You give up on others.
You give up hope.
You give up being unhappy.
Being depressed.
Worrying about others.
Caring about what people think of you.
Wondering why they don't like you.
Questioning everything you do.
Reminding yourself why he doesn't like you back.
Pretending to be somebody that you're not.
You just give up.
On everything.
Because that is so much better for you
than sitting around waiting for approval from everyone else.

If you have the best,
don't go searching for something better.


I loved you yesterday,
I love you still.

I'll love you tomorrow,
I always will


We've all heard that friendship often ends in l o v e.
B u t   l o v e   t h a t   e n d s  i n   f r i e n d s h i p ?



If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours.
If they don't, they never were.


When all those cheesy love songs start to make sense,
when all those annoying chick flicks actually make you cry,
when Valentine's Day cards AREN'T vomit inducing,
that's when you realize that you're in love.


I t ' s   f u n n y   h o w
 y-o-u   t-h-i-n-k  i-t-'-s   f-u-n-n-y
when you treat me like dirt.


Me: *buying a One Direction calendar
Me: I am going to love the first of every month because I get to see a new picture with all their sexy faces on it.
Me: Is it creepy that I know what photo shoot this is from?

True story.

"I just want to be happy, mommy! Why can't I just be happy like everyone else?"
-My 10 year old, depressed, heartbroken neighbor as he cries, wanting to know what he did to deserve everything he's been through.
He gives me hope.

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