
Joined: February 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 276246

im sydney im 13 and i live in massachusetts. im 100% Portuguese baby(; i love mac miller, kissing, the color purple, the beach, black and white photos, colored hair, rain, tattoos, stitch and much much more. if you dont like my witty, i really dont care. im really nice, but a huge bitch if i want to be. i will never lose a fight.. or at least i refuse to think i could ever lose one. i put myself before most people, so dont take it personal if i do things that offend you. i get along better with guys than girls for many reasons. youll never see me with my natural hair. arizona green tea is the best thing ever created. and my favorite things about me are my personality and shortness. im a huge goof, and if you have no humor i hate you.

Quotes by woahxhoe

Telling Your
Mom ....

Something funny. But end up getting

Yelled At 



Peeta Mellark


Just had some cinnamon gum and started gagging..

thankyou cinnamon challenge for traumatizing my taste buds



I e e e
who are like ..

 "you cant rap your white" or "you can't wear snapbacks your white
Lets get one thing straight..
Not all white people are going to walk around in baseball hats singing Adele.


Fake tan, Stuffed bra, Hooker makeup...
aren't you gorgeous...