
Joined: January 18, 2010
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 98946
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wittygirl2010's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
I'm finally getting better. Bye bye constant hospital visits, hello summer :) 
Why are guys so confusing? I seriously don't understand them.

Miley Cyrus used to be all "boom clap, boom de clap de clap."
And now shes twerking in music videos and scaring jimmy kimmel.

I wonder how roxy would feel about this.

Can we stop with the 'no girl is ugly, everyone is beautiful' crâp now?
We are not required to find every person we meet beautiful, cause hey, not everyone is beautiful.
Like seriously, there are some dâmn ugly people in this world - both in looks and in personality.

Does anyone remember the old witty?

Not the really old witty, just a few years ago..

When top quotes got 1,000+ faves?
When we didn't get so p/ssed at each other?
When opinions and vents were allowed?
When quotes didnt have to be funny to get some faves?

Well, I do. Sigh.


Guess what, everyone!?

Not all girls are pretty. Not all guys are hot.

I know, this is a brand new concept.

Go ahead and take a moment.


Its kind of like,
the difference between putting your hand on your own,
and him putting his hand on yours.
When you touch your hand, you don’t feel it,
nothing happens, it’s just there.

But when he has his hand there,
you feel everything.
Every move of his palm,
every squeeze of his hand,
and every brush of his finger.
And you feel it right down to your toes and up to your neck.
Everything in your body tingles,
but it’s the most wonderful thing ever.
Every move he makes,
                               he makes a difference.


I need a friend who actually cares about me, not one makes everything about themselves. Someone who realizes that we both are going through difficult things and who understands that my problems are important too. 
Me: I'm not gonna study for this test. #yolo
Next day: *takes test*
Next day: *fails test*
Me: I Yolo'd too hard.