
Joined: February 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279402

what_the_fuckkk's Favorite Quotes

While watching titanic,
i always start crying at that scene where the mom is tucking her
two kids in bed, and the old couple are hugging each other to sleep.
not at jack and rose.


that awkward moment when...

when you think of the most amazing username and someone already has it and you think “THAT B^TCH READ MY MIND O.O”

For all you know, I could be some 60 year old pedophile.

I know you don't care, but,

My Daddy comes home from Iraq tomorrow!♥


Drake: "Wait,  if theres a New Jersey, why isn't there just a Jersey?"
Josh: "I don't know, i wasn't at the meeting!"




It was pitch black out that night, the kind of darkness that could easily scare a person, except for Ashley.
"Come on Emma!" she squealed, tugging on my arm lightly.
"What do you want?" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.
I looked at my clock, sighing heavily.
"Ashley, it's two in the morning."
"no sh/t sherlock." She teased, ripping the blankets off of me.
"We're sneaking out tonight."
I had snuck out before, but tonight felt different.
"I'm tired." I complained, burying my head farther under a pillow.
"Stop being a baby and man up." She spat, yanking me out of bed.
"Get your bikini on, we're going night swimming."
 I reluctantly did what Ashley wanted, sneaking out of her house and walking to the lake nearbye.
The water felt warm but at the same time, uninviting.
I dipped my toes in, letting my feet sink into the soft sand as Ashley dived into the water smoothly without a care.
"Come on, let's go to the dock!" She yelled as she began moving her arms and legs briskly through the soft waves.
I envied the way she could make just about anything look graceful. 
I scrunched my nose up, moving into the water slowly until my waist was completely in, translucent and milky white under the moonlight.
I paddled my body lightly until I was at the dock, and sat next to Ashley, drying off.
She looked so pretty under the light of the moon, her tropical blue orbs sparkling brighter than they usually did.
"I'm glad your my best friend." I whispered, leaning my head onto her shoulder.
"I know." She said, before jumping in.
A wave of crystal like water splashed me, and I giggled, jumping in after her.
"Race you back!" She spluttered, spitting out water as she began swimming back.
I started swimming quickly, increasing my speed until I was much farther past her, moving at an incredible pace.
"Looks like I won!" I laughed, reaching the shore line.
That's when I heard her scream.
I turned, hearing Ashley struggle and call my name but I couldn't see where she was.
"Ashley?" I asked, feeling a sharp chill running up my spine.
"Ashley, are you okay?"
The sounds of struggle turned to silence, and there was nothing except for the wind blowing lightly, making my blonde locks fly around my face in a distorted fashion.
 I would never see my best friend again.
She was gone.

hey guys, I hope you liked my story so far(:
I've been brainstorming for a while now and I finally came up with a pretty good story line.
100+ faves for chapter 1.


This quote does not exist.

like and i will follow you!

Lick your lips 3 times
blink once, and keep your eyes wide open until you fave this quote.

I bet you will sneeze or yawn.

So, I need prayers.
My aunt has Leukimia, which in case you didn't know its blood cancer. She needs bone marrow from her brother who lives in Iraq. If she doesn't get it, she'll die. Her kids are all so young. Their ages are 8, 3, and 18 months. The 8 year old has down syndrome and its too much work for their dad. Please, Please. I'm BEGGING you guys. Send good prayers towards our way. Pray that her brother is allowed to come into America JUST to give her the bone marrow. Please? I can't lose my aunt, I can't.
If you read this, thank you so much.
If you're not religious, please send good thoughts then.
In return, if you guys need any prayers.
Post them as a comment. I'll pray for you guys tonight!
2 people praying is better than 1!
<3 Thank you my witty sisters.