
Joined: January 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 263215

 Ello love (;
I see you have stumbled across my page. Lucky you(;
Well, just gonna keep it simpe; my name's Savannah.
Came into this lovely world on 1/24/99.

I have two accounts, and I made this one to give advice
and to make an bunch of different quotes; if you know
my main account, hush up, and lets keep that a secret,  

I lalalalove One Direction, and I'm mentally married to
Harry Styles (we're gonna get married in real life too,

he just doesn't know it yet.) I love photography,

witty, and painting. If I'm getting anywhere in life,
it's gonna be on my own. I don't really have 'friends',

if thats what they call them now a days. They usually
come when they need something, real cute right?
Oh well. I made account so I could help my
witty brothers and sister that are going through
a hard time; ever need someone to vent
or talk to,  I'll be there for you. No matter
what your problem is, what ever you want

to talk about, I can promise you that
I'll listen and I will not ju
dge you.
I read quotes about girls who call

themselves ugly; don't say that. Such a
word shouldn't be used on such beautiful

girls- such a word shouldn't even exist.
Everyone is beautiful in their own


wanna see true love? watch the video.

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