
Status: Moving.
Joined: July 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 7
user id: 317485
Gender: F
We were infinite

Julia - A girl who falls to hard to fast. A girl who adores Demi Lovato and Ed Sheeran. She loves to go on her computer and listen to music. She is always the second choice, never once was the first. She is overly emotional, and is rarely ever happy. She comes off as a strong girl , but is actually weak. She loves her little sister Gigi , and wants only the best for her. Yep, that's Julia.


w4ves's Favorite Quotes

Maybe I should let go
Not call it giving up.
But starting over.


Dear Santa,
                                                               w i l l  h e  f i t  in  the bag?
Looking at your hair underwater
and feeling like a mermaid.
Scared to move forward,
afraid to look back.
Stuck between wanting the future,
and missing the past.

Format Credit: TheMascaraSeries.
*At home* Me: "I want to go out, I want friends."
*When I go out* Me: "I want to go home, I hate people.

Who else 
hates their recorded voice?

olympic gymnast: jumps 20 feet in the air, defies all the laws of physics, does 10 back flips, defeats voldemort, comes back down and lands perfectly on the balance beam while fireworks go off in the backround

me: falls on my face trying to put on socks
'Cause maybe you're loveable
maybe you're my snowflake
And your eyes turn from [[ green to gray, ]] and in the winter I'll hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair, cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder
And you will never know, just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love /////
When you wake me up


my breasts can always tell when it's gonna rain.


i didn't actually like your quote ;
I liked your bangin' format.


nmf .