
Joined: April 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168253
Text Box 1

Quotes by urmomgoesrawrx3

When strangers on the internet care about you more than your own friends do.



I just want you to be happy.
Then be with me. Don't ever leave.




Can you just listen to me ?
What ?

I like you okaay and i feel like there is something messing in my hart
I think it's an E

Which one do you like better Fav for Abercrombie
                            Comment for Hollister ♥

Cool Story bro,

does it come with a translation because  i don't

speak bullshit 

when you think you’ve been hacked but it turns out you have CAPS on.

Looking at a guys page on witty and thinking dam how did he get so many followers...

You know what? I instantly smile when i see a text from you, I don't even care what's in it. It's just amazing to know i crossed your mind for a second.