
Joined: November 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 240187
Leila. Los Angeles. 14.  Single. 
I'm your average teen girl, lost in this mess of a world. There's enough drama at school, and I wanna get away from it all. My life depends on my two best friends; Yazz and Chase. (yazzii and chasee)

We will all laugh at guilded butterflies ;

The girl on the right in my profile picture is my sister, Aubrey. We've been to hell and back, but she will always be there to protect me. We may not have gotten along when we were younger, but now we're closer than ever and I wont let anyone kill that bond between us.

 hmu c;

Leilaa babiii c;
hackedd heheheh. i have your password you buttface. c:
-Yazz (yazii)

unsp0ken is a leader and is not following anyone