
Joined: May 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 172044

truebelieber928's Favorite Quotes

what i think when someone uses the computer:
what the hell are you doing? 
why would you use internet explorer? 
omg you type so slow lemme do it
no, you spelled it wrong...
caps lock is on, moron.
why would you click on the zwinky ad omg
scroll down
i wish i was dead
you don't need to double click it stupid.
get out of the chair and let me do it omfg

This quote does not exist.

I blame Sarah Dessen
for my high expectations of relationships.




It's hard to


act happy when

in reality, You're miserable


"Have you ever cheated in a relationship?"
Are you kidding me? I can't get 1 boyfriend, yet alone 2.

9 months before I was born ,
 I went to a party with my dad, but left with my mom(;

fave if you get it(:


Dear inventors of tampons,

How awkward was it for you
To explain your invention to everyone?

© ThatsSoMeee
Anybody ever  had this coversation before,

"OK, if we get caught heres the story..."

(follow me, ifollow back!!)
 You have no idea how much
I like you, how much you 
make me smile, how much I
love talking to you, or how 
much I wish you were mine

2011: Teach me how to dougie.

1800: Instruct me on how to execute your fine moves bretheren.