
Joined: January 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146855
Hey gorgeous :) I'm a very fun and outgoing girl. I really love giving advice, and I'm pretty good at it too. :) haha. So please if you ever need anything please just ask. I'm willing to help you. <3 Stay beautiful and strong. <3

Quotes by tori123mo

Hey! I really want to help people out. If you need advice or anything pleae just ask! I'm very willing to help! <3
Hello :) I'm kind of new to Witty. Can someone please tell me how to get cool formats and make my profile all cool? Thanks <33

fav if your Boy crazy <3

My Titanic Story
~It was like a fairytale. No. It was a fairytale. When I met you, my heart wanted you. And at night, when we were admiring those dazzling stars, you kissed me… my heart stopped. It was magical. Out of all the other sweethearts I met, I picked you. Your extraordinary and caring. You make me be a better person. When we are together? I loose myself. I want your love. I want your heart. This was a fairytale. It was like my own love story. No. It was my own love story,    <3
I can stand here all day just talking and talking about...
How much you hurt me.
How hard it was to get over you.
How much pain you caused in my heart.
...but, the moral of this story is that you messed up so much and I never actually cared.

I never want to grow up.    =[ But, I eventually will... and that's the only thing that sucks about being a kid. :p