
Joined: March 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 157275

Quotes by thisislife

\\If you "k" me,
d o n ' t  e x p e c t  a  r e p l y  b a c k.

Don't you love
when you're dancing with a cute guy and then another girl comes up and starts talking to him? and then you have to awkwardly start to walk away?
favorite thing. EVER.


you're my ex,
Stop asking if its going to be a date
when i ask you to hang out.

i dont feel its right to judge someone on theirpast
everybody has a past, everybody has done something they're not proud of. everybody has made mistakes before;
but take the person for who they are today, not who they used to be.
♥ ♥ ♥

"hey i'll call you later!"

later as in, never?





awko taco.






We're just better as friends.

that moment when
you feel like youre never good enough,  
and no one can make you feel better.

yesterday i was having a pretty rough day..
when i was getting ready to leave class, a girl in my class turns to me and said
"Courtney... you're really pretty." 

she doesn't know that she made
my day by that
simple compliment.

boys will cause :

heart breaks

self conciousness



SBboys will  

boys won't do any of those things if you don't let them.


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