
Joined: July 14, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 116489 - Profile Counters

thank you for all the views, comments, faves, followers and time to read my secrets.
you're all beautiful, and you're ALL awesome.
never let anyone tell you you're not. if you ever need anything, im here.

thank you witty girls;


Quotes by thesecretofmysecret

secret # 403 ;
and how strange that now, on my worst,
i came to realize just how much i love you..
like i never loved anyone else.
secret # 402 ;
funny. im confused because
i actually dont know if im confused or not.
secret # 399 ;
well im.. im im sorr..
this is so hard to say.
im sorry.
secret # 398 ;
its wrong, its all wrong and cant fix it,
or find a way not to care..
secret # 397 ;
they say its a mistake unless you dont learn from it..
so i guess my life is full of mistakes.
secret # 395 ;
he's going on vacation this wednesday.
he'll be gone for 6 days. i dont know what im gonna do.
secret # 391;
i dont know if im truly happy.
some days i am, some days im not.
secret # 385 ;
and i waited for you to get online all day and fool around the internet,
but you never came..
so i stood here, eating and laying all day in my bed.. alone.
secret # 384 ;
he's always telling me how beautiful i am and how much he loves me,
but how am i supposed to believe it when sometimes i feel
he's disgusted by me?
secret # 383 ;
i want him to be with me at my place with me watching movies
because i miss him so much and i feel lonely,
but my house is really ugly i wouldnt dare to invite him over.