
Joined: October 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 229729


status (10/02/2011) @12:01PM:
Less than ten days until my birthday! CAN'T WAIT!(:

about me:
I'm Jenna, and I'm sixteen years old. My birthday is October 31st, 1994. Yes, I know. Crazy birthday. And my sister was born February 29th, 2008. We're a couple of oddballs. Don't judge us(; I love running and playing softball, so if I'm not on here, I'm prolly doing those things, or shopping. I consider shopping a sport, so never get in my way of anything I want to buy, ever. I am competitive about everything, and if I'm not careful, I will risk my friendship with someone over my competitiveness. It's happened before, and it didn't turn out pretty. So I'm working on it!


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