
Joined: December 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 253623

Harry Potter Exhibition in TWELVE DAYS!!
Hey there. I`m Tessa, and I`m from Australia. I`m twelve, and this is my story writing account on Witty. Feel free to talk to me, and to fave & comment on my stories. If you follow me, I follow you back [I know. STALKERR!!]. I enjoy writing stories, but I only write more chapters if I have people reading. A million thankyous to anyone that reads my stories, I fucking love you♥ Thankyou for all your support, and I`m sorry if I don`t post for a while, I am under a lot of pressure lately. I`m just about to start high school, and some other stuff. Also, I need time to relax :P