
Joined: December 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 141766
 Hope for the best, but expect the worst - 'Forever Young' by One Direction <//3 
                                                                                                    Some call me Sophie <3
I'm loud and I'm crazy, I want to live my life, but I'm stuck on this computer, which, really, ain't to bad. I've never really had a Witty bestfriend, so give it a shot. I like most people, and get along with them, weather their wild and free, or shy and conserved. As long as they're themseleves. I can't stand fakes. Sorry. Also, I'm not perfect, but I'll try to be. I love One Direction, but I'm having an affair with Nuttella. I'm you're average teen, but a bit deeper...I like to think that I'm different. . I also like writing, photography & reading. Talk to me,  I'll holla back ;D Follow me?

Quotes by sweetart11

Bye, Witty. I'm leaving.
I first came on here about two years ago, and made my accound about a year and a half ago. When I came on here, I was a happy-go-lucky kid about to enter middle school. Now, I'm starting my last year in junior high in a few months. I'm no longer happy, and I have no hopes for anything.
Witty hasn't 'been there' for me, ever, really. No one cares here unless your dying, popular, tallking about One Direction, or a  boy.
I don't vent on here because I know no one gives a f, just like in real life.
You turned from nice girls who ussually got along to a bunch of people who could care less about one another.
I'm not really sorry if this offended anyone, because I'm never logging on again, bye.



When your own family
is constantly telling you that you're stupid, dumb, ugly, fat, going to fail in life, you being to belive it.

for once, I'd like someone to choose me over her.

don't hold your cursor over this quote. 

To Directioners:
Go ge your dose of the boys on tumblr! There are 2845785 blogs dedicated to them on there, and all of those blogs have a billion pictures, quotes, and facts about the boys. Go fangirl there.
You are the ones pushing this put of control! 1D will always be on witty, and if you don't like what you see, and you're always going to pick fights, LEAVE. jk. But you should be smart enough to know hate will only attract more attention to 1D.
not sorry if this offends anyone. my opion.
Ok, to be honest,
I've seen 3 One Direction Quotes
And 8 Anti-One Direction, all about how "One Direction is taking over Witty".
I turned carbon dioxide into oxygen today.
Can I get some faves for that?
What I had then that I don't have now:
- High Metabolism
- Natrually Thin
- A 4.0
- A big house
- Optomiatic parents
- A school thats not tottaly ghetto
- The most amazing bestie
- More shoes
(&yet I complained during that time!)

What I've got now:
- An eating dissorder
- Barely above a 3.0
- Friends who I can't trust
- An itty apartment full of boxes, boxes waiting to be put into the next itty apartment
- Depressed parents
On the brighter side...
- Cooler clothes
- Cooler phone
- A look into reality