
Joined: June 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185492
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Wouldn't wanna be anybody else...
Haii. My name is Crystal
I was born on December 9th.
I'm really short for my age, however I try not to let that bother me.
I have long dark brown hair, & dark brown eyes.
Lady Gaga & Selena Gomez are both my role models.
They teach girls just like me to be myself but unique.
I love shopping at Hollister, Abercrombie, and Aeropostale (:
I love to read, especially the Twilight Saga xP
I'm the biggest Twilight fan you'll ever meet (:
I will always be on Team Edward no matter what. :) I have OED xP
One day I'm going to travel the world, to the countries that I always wanted to go to and dreamed of going
We only have one life to live, so why don't live life to the fullest?


Quotes by stuckinafairytale

Summer 2011

This summer will be the best summer ever (:
don't we all say that but then it ends up
sucking like the

  My quote, my format

And you are my sunshine
My life, tonight (You light up my life)

And you are my

You make me all right (You light up my life)

  My format

Don't you ever wonder what the security guards think,
when they see you taking pictures using the mirror in the dressing room when trying on clothes.

  My quote, my format

Fav if your one of those people who think about
l i
f e
before you go to sleep

My quote, my format

This is witty profiles, not BIEBER profiles. So stop with those annoying links -.-

My quote, my format

I know my heart will never be the
s a m e ,
but I'm telling myself I'll be
o k a y .

Even on my weakest days I get a little
s t r o n g e r

My format

Never give up on anybody,
cause miracles happen


My format

(1) Friend Request
(0) Mutual Friends
how the hell did you find me?

My format

Awkward Moment #1;

Trying a ring to small for you finger,
& it won't come
O U T !

My format, my quote

The moment you see something you didn't wanna see &
your heart drops &
you feel like you've been
punched in the gut...

My format