
Joined: May 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 302365
Gender: F
Hey this is Haley, I'm 15. Came into this world August 19th 1998.
I love Demi Lovato. She is my insperation and the reaosn I know I can get through my tough times.
If anyone wants to talk to me I'm here. I love giveing advise and makeing friends :)
I know some of my quotes make me sounds really messed up, but i'm not I promise.
I'm a regular girl who likes regular girl things.

Comments by stay_strong819

stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Hey! So unless you didnt get my message on twitter I deleted my account. I never went on it and I was tired of getting emials on something I didnt use. So, if you still wanna talk I will try to be on here more often than I already am.. Because i'm never on here.
StayingStrongForever 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Omg I didn't see this til now! D: How are you!?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Alright, cool!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Hey! I know it's been a long long time sense we talked. I haven't been on in ages! Even though we haven't talked in a while, I'm still here for you if you ever need someone to talk to.
StayingStrongForever 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Hey! Thank you, same goes to you.
If you wanna keep in touch better, I have twitter if you want it?
Gabbyyy1208 (:
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Alright, cool!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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You stay strong too beautilful!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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I've been pretty good. Almost 3 months without cutting. Ever sense I ended things with that guy Kyle that I don't know for sure that I told you about, I feel like I've let myself go. Well I know I haven't. I've been eating us much I gained 3 pounds in about 2 weeks or so. I know not much but its just that mind process. But turns out that Kyle who I thought I loved was more than likely lying to me the entire 5-6 months that we were talking. Or he played me. But that actually helped me get over him. I'm over it now. When I did end things I couldn't get over go until I heard about that from his best friend. To be honest I makes no sense that he would do that. But at the same time it does. I'm done with guys for a while. And I don't know how I fell in love In 5 months when I never let myself fall for someone. But I will not give him a 3rd chance for sure.
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Aww thanks doll!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Ahhh, I love your profile picture thingy! You are so gorgeous!!!!
StayingStrongForever 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Thanks! So are you!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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Aww thanks doll!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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Hi, sorry I haven't been on in such a long time! How are you doing?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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I'm doing better than I was a couple days ago.
Do you remember how I was telling you about Kyle and some other guys?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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You're welcome :D
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to StayingStrongForever
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That seriously made my night. I was just thinking about cutting and my urge came back. But I'm not gonna do it. I love you too <3 sorry. Haven't been talking. I just started getting back on a couple days ago.
How have you been?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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I'm trying. Is that you in the profile picture? Because if it is you're gorgous!!!
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to babe_xo
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I guesse I haven't Ben the best either. I just did it a minute ago. What else did you do to self harm?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to depression_hurts
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Yeah. I deffinetly don't get the average amount of calories in that a person is supposed to get. I feel bad when I lose weight but I feel even worse gaining it. We go through some vicious cycle here. And with cutting being a release. I still feel like a need to do it. But I haven't in a while. How have you been with everything?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to depression_hurts
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Yeah I know. Sorry. Haven't replied for a while. My laptop role so I'm kn my iPod. Not the best way to get in witty but it works. I have been pretty good. Almost 4 months without cutting. I want to soooo bad. There isn't a whole week that goes by that I don't think about doing it again. I have been pretty good on the eating. But I'm still losing weight. Just slower. How have you been?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to sandnsmiles
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Hey :) so I keep on forgetting to come in here. Kyle told me he loves me. He doesn't say something unless he means it. I actually talk to him too in person on the bus. I felt pretty proud haha. I told him I did love him but not when he told me he loved me. It took a while. I can't openly say to people "I love you." And have there be a real love type of meaning like that. Love is scary t.
How is everything with you?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to depression_hurts
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Um pretty good. I haven't really been online much either. I've been really busy.
How's everything going?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to depression_hurts
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Hey :) we haven't takled in a while.
How have you been?
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to stay_strong819
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That's terrible. You never know what the future holds for you... And when you get there it gives you the chance to prove her wrong, show her up. You are not worhtless.
stay_strong819 1 decade ago to sandnsmiles
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Right. That's not a bad thing. Sorry I haven't replied. I didn't get notified that someone commented on my profile. Thursday we talked in person. Almost half the time we sat there in awkward silence, but we still held a conversaion at one point. I really do like him.
I think it's really sweet that you guys are going out. It's okay if you don't want to tell him about your past, but when you trust him enough i'm sure you will feel good enough to tell him about it.
I told Kyle about my cutting and stuff, but I don't know if he forgot, But either way i'm sure at one point you will feel comfortable enough to tell him.