
Joined: January 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 98767
Gender: F

Quotes by squire1319

If Peeta had red hair
 he'd be a ginger bread man.

Format by Sandrasauras

KONY 2012.

 Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, keep reading.
Since 1986, Joseph Kony has been in charge of the Lord's Resistance Army [LRA] in northern Uganda.
He is #1 on the International Wanted War Criminals List.
When he realized he was running out of soldiers, he began to kidnap children in the middle of the night and force them into sexual slavery and/or becoming child soldiers.
Many have been forced to kill people in their villages; friends, neighbors, even their own families.
This is where the 3 co-founders of Invisible Children step in.
In 2003, 3 filmmakers, Jason, Laren and Bobby went to Africa to try and find a story to film.
This turned into so much more. One thing led to another, and in 2006, Invisible Children Inc. was founded.
For the past 6 years, Invisible Children has grown.
I've been working with Invisible Children for the past 2 years, and it is truly life-changing.
Now, we're doing something even larger.
There's a deadline: Dec. 31st, 2012, to get Kony out of Central Africa.
How can you help?

Sign the pledge and watch the video here: http://kony2012.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
Visit the Website: http://s3.amazonaws.com/www.invisiblechildren.com/index.html
Buy Merhcandise to get the word out: http://invisiblechildrenstore.myshopify.com/
Like the Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Invisible-Children/34466596313?ref=ts&sk=wall#!/invisiblechildren

And, on April 20th, 2012, join fellow supporters in your area to Cover The Night by putting up signs, posters, and stickers from dusk until dawn.

Because where you live shouldn't determine whether you live.


Don't choose the better guy.
Choose the guy that makes you the better girl.

format credit: Mrs_ZaynMalik69_1D
 and fatassmuffin

If any of you
happened to read my stories on here, then you should check out my new story on wattpad!
feedback | comments | reads |faves
would be much appreciated!< 3


format by XxprettixX

Love is giving someone
the power to hurt you but
trusting them not to. 



Format by XxprettixX Removal of credit is punishable by DEATH.

So let's hope that
 school ends as fast as Kim Kardashian's marriage.


Everybody Has a Secret
Chapter 3

 I stepped out of my limo as Ron opened the door for me. I smiled and said “thank you.” I was never going to be that spoiled famous girl that took everything she had for granted. Nuh-uh, not me.
          I was immediately touched by how many fans were waiting outside the stadium for me. The only good thing to come out of this chosen life was them; they were what made it worth it. I swiftly walked up and down the aisle, signing as many autographs and taking as many pictures with the fans shouting my name as I could.
          “Jayna, we really have to go!” Lilah said, more like shouted, in my ear. It was so loud- the volume hadn’t wavered one bit.
          I nodded and followed her inside, smiling to the rest of the fans. As soon as we walked in, the loud shouts immediately quieted, muffled by the doors. I followed Lilah through the door marked “Employees Only” and down a long stairwell. We continued walking down a narrow corridor and turned a corner.
          Greeting me was everyone on the tour- dancers, singers, backstage and sound workers, everybody. And then, there was my mother. “Jayna!” She squealed, running up to me. I tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace.
          “Honey, this is Will Clayton, the new security detail I was telling you about,” she continued, motioning to a guy standing a few feet to her left.
          I almost had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Thankfully I realized how much of an idiot I looked like and managed to cover up my little staring issue. Will had dark brown hair that lightly brushed his cheekbones, framing his intense, green eyes. He was in black jeans, high tops, a white button-down shirt and a black blazer.
          “Hi,” he said, smiling. His teeth literally glowed. How the hell did a guy so perfect exist?
          “Hey. I’m Jayna,” I said, extending my hand.
          “I’m Will,” he said, grabbing my hand with his and shaking it. I felt a quick spark run from my hand up my arm and make my heart speed up to an irregular tempo. What. The. Hell. “A.k.a your personal escort,” he continued, winking quickly.
          I laughed. “And I appreciate it,” I said, smiling even wider.
          “Okay, Will, Jayna. You two will have more time to flirt later. Jayna, go get dressed, and then you have vocal warm-ups. Will, go check in with Matt, the head of security. He’ll make sure you know what to do,” my mom intervened.
I saw him roll his eyes quickly and turn back to my mom, smiling. “Sure thing, Mrs. Starr,” he replied to my mom. “See you in a bit, Jayna,” he turned back to me. Then he smoothly turned on his heel and sauntered off.
Will’s P.O.V.
          Of course, the one normal job I got from Roger just so happened to be with the most beautiful girl on the planet. Shoot me now. Actually, that probably wouldn’t work.
          Roger is the second-in-command of Code Division 3- but the Starr’s don’t know that. He’s my boss’s assistant, and he understands how much I want to get out of here. For a while now, I’ve been debating if I wanted to continue my future in CD3. There’s just one problem; I can’t get out. And that will probably end up killing me in the end.

comments/faves please? mean the world to me!< 3


Everybody Has a Secret
Chapter 2

 I slammed my door shut and turned the radio on. I began backing out when the radio station played my new single. No, thanks. I flipped it to the country station and sang along quietly with Taylor Swift. My home was close to the school, so it took no time for me to get there.
          My mom, Raine, is the one that wanted all of this for me. She was famous back in the day, but still keeps her career “alive” with advertisements and shampoo commercials. She knew people, and one phone call was all it took for her to have me shipped out to live with her. She wants to live her life through me, and I’m tired of it. I have talent, but I never wanted this. I wanted to be a marine biologist, but I’m done trying to tell that to her.
          I walked in through the front door and dropped my school bag on the tile floor in the vast foyer. She had a nice place, I’m not going to lie. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. My mother was in head-to-toe Juicy Couture. She was sitting at the table with my manager, Lilah, going over the plans for the show tonight.
          “Hey, superstar!” My mom squealed when I entered. I rolled my eyes before turning around to face her.
          “Hi,” I mumbled. “Hey, Lilah.” I liked Lilah, she was sweet. But, she was a total pushover and did whatever my mom demanded of her. So, I wasn’t going to get any help from her in my quest to back out of the spotlight.
          She smiled at me and turned back to my mom.
“What’s up?” I asked.
          “Nothing, nothing. We were just hiring some new security detail for you. L.A. can get a little rowdy, as I remember,” my mom butted in. “My friend, Roger, has a young guy in his force that he offered to us to be your personal escort.”
          “Mom, that was the ‘80s. And what do you mean, ‘force?’” I asked. Then I thought better of it and just left the room. I ran up the stairs to my room and fell onto my bed. God, she was just so…in your face! She never let me have any room to breathe. I put a pillow over my face and screamed into it.
          I rolled over and set my alarm for 4:30 so I could take a quick nap. When I woke up, feeling totally refreshed, I hopped out of bed and brushed my hair really quickly. I walked downstairs and saw Lilah was waiting for me. “Hey,” I said, more calm now.
          “Hey!” Her other personality was present, now that my mom wasn’t in the room. “Your mom went ahead to sort out the new security and lighting system. Want to go now?” She asked.
          I nodded and we headed out to the limo. Ron, the driver, opened the door for us and we slid in. I sat back and looked out the window as I made my way to another concert. Hopefully, this one will be fun, I thought sarcastically.

I can't wait to add more! If I get a lot of faves, I'll add it by tonight!<3