
Joined: November 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 237471


Quotes by soggiornobellissimo

Dear bestfriend,
          without any of you, i'd be nothing. i'd be a person living under a rock with nothing to do all day. you guys make me smile when i'm down & laugh when i cry. i know i can be a b*tch sometimes, but you guys put up with it. i love how i can be myself infront of you without you being completely weirded out. i love you all with all i have and more♥


Dear future me,
           i hope you're that psychologist i've always dreamt of being;) i hope you're very successful. we'll soon find out what i've become. :)


Dear dad,
      yeeeoooo da. i love you. i know we get into arguments alot, but you know i love you. i know i don't show it that well, but i hope you can see it. i have so much respect for you it's crazy. you mean everything to me. you & my brothers will always be the only men that i will ever need in my life. no matter how much i talk to my boyfriend, or talk to you about him, or how much time i spend with him, you'll always be on top♥ i know you're not a big fan of your daughter dating, but it's a part of growing up & you're trying to cope. i respect every little thing that will make you realize i'm growing up. i will always be your little girl. don't forget that. i could go on & on with this letter. but, i'll end it now because i could get real deep with things. love you daddy♥

  your little girl♥

Dear ex bestfriend,
         I'm not gonna lie, I miss you. I miss all of the times we'd hang out. But, things happen for a reason, right?


Dear person I hate,
        i don't HATE you, i just dislike you because you strongly, strongly dislike me for no reason what-so-ever, BUT, that doesn't matter. we were best friends and you let the dumbest thing break us apart. this doesn't mean that i don't care about you. i really do, but i do dislike you for the sh*t you made me put up with.


That awkward silence you get when your music stops playing...
A- Favorite ARTIST: jason mraz, gavin degraw, michael buble', josh groban, adele, michael jackson, etc;
B- Favorite BAND: maroon 5, the fray, the script, ATL.
C- Best CONCERT you attended: josh groban♥
D- Favorite DUET: song wise? details in the fabric.
E- Most EMBARASSING cd you've owned: HSM 2....
F- FIRST record, tape or cd you remember buying: uh...nsync maybe ?
G- Do you own any band GEAR or shirts?: yesss
H- Are you HAPPY with the current music scene?: sureee.
I- Do you play any INSTRUMENTS?: haaaaaa nope.
J- Are you JUDGED based on your music taste?: nopee.
K- Have you ever sang KARAOKE?: yes
L- What genre of music do you LIKE best?: pop
M- Ever been in a MOSH pit?: nahh
N- NAME your favorite song: i won't let you go by james morrison♥
P- Ever have backstage PASSES?: i wish.
Q- Do your friends QUESTION your taste in music?: nope.
R- What are you listening to RIGHT now?: run every time by gavin degraw
S- Favorite SINGER of all time: josh groban orrrrrrrrrrrr jason mraz.
T- What do you think of TECHNO music?: eh.
U- Do you USUALLY sing in the shower?: all zee time.
V- What was your VERY first concert attended?: maroon5 & john mayer:)
W- What concert do you WISH to attend in the future?: GAVIN DEGRAW.
X- What song makes you (e)XCITED?: poison by BBD
Y- Are YOU a member of any fan clubs?: one i think.
Z- Which music genre do you wish you could ZAP from existance?: dubstep.
Be the type of guy you would want your sister to date.