
Joined: July 7, 2009
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 81996

Hey! I am rachel the girl on the right. The other girl is my best friend Kiara. She is amazing, and the best person ever.

My sister, my best friend <3

softballgurl10's Favorite Quotes

You are gonna have horrible moments .
You are gonna have to loose someone you love.
You will get your heart broken. You will break many hearts. You will fail tests. You will have fights with your friends. You will have break ups.
But without those moments your beautiful moments wouldn't be so amazing.
So don't worry,
smile. It gets easier.


if you're not against gay/
lesbian/bisexual people,
favorite. If you
are, comment.

We a l l  d o  i t . . . 
We all fall in love

w i t h   o u r
best guy friend


Who Else Really Wants Needs To Be In A Flashmob?


forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
Fav if
You have ever cut yourself

You feel worthless

You feel ugly

You feel like no one cares if you just died

You hate yourself

You think you're ugly

You have ever attempted suicide

You have depression 

You're anorexic 

You're overweight

You feel like you're alone

Now look at the favs and see YOU'RE NOT ALONE

Everyone who faved this just remember 



fav this, and i'll..
comment on your profile a boys name that I think sounds good with yours. I pinky promise I'll do them all!

Fave and I will
Write on your profile the first thing I notice about you.

I promise <3

Just comment a smiley face too, so I'm sure to get them all :D

Compliment time.<3
Fave and I'll comment on your profile with a compliment.

hi, fave for 3 compliments! :) 

 think the
"most beautiful teen contest of facebook is wrong?

(i was wondering ... and not my format) 