
Joined: December 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246066
I'm Lily... I'm just another one of those Witteh Gurlz. Don't worry, I'm a normal human being who uses correct punction I just enjoy talking weirdly sometimes... hehe:)
Anyways, I'm an aspiring writer and artist. I love spiderman, red velvet cake, summer time, peach snapple, music, late nights, Audrey Hepburn, The Hunger Games (like WAY TOO MUCH, I am in love with those books), Harry Potter (again, in love.), reading, painting, drawing, and everything in between!
I'm a wannabe hipster and I wish I was artsier than I actually am. I wear sweaters and scarfs way too much. I love huge slouchy purses and tea in general. Now I'm making myself sound like a hipster. COOL.
But anyways, this is my Witty. I post things that are on my mind and the occaisonal weird haiku.
Also I've begun posting the various chapters from my story from NaNoWriMo. Please read! I will love you forever if you do!
Check out my blawwwg because it's mah baybay:
Artsy-Hipster-Wannabe Tumblr:
Hunger Games Tumblr:

Follow and I will follow back!


Quotes by snappleandsummer

30 Day Challenge - Letters
Day 1 - Your Best Friend
Day 2 - Your Crush
Day 3 - Your Parent(s)
Day 4 - Your Sibling (Or Cloesest Relative)
Day 5 - Your Dreams
Day 6 - A Stranger
Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend
Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet
Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
Dear Best Friend,
Heyyy buddy. I've literally known you for my entire life. I couldn't live without you. I love you to death, but honestly sometimes I hate you. You know why? Because you're gorgeous. And I'm jealous. Every guy I know thinks you are beautiful. And I have to listen to it. I love you, but it hurts when everybody around me is thinking you're the pretty one, and I'm just your ugly friend. I feel awful about it, but I'm jealous of you for so many reasons. I'm sorry.
I love you so much though, and even though I act like a b*tch sometimes to you, I couldn't live without you.
BFFs since diapers... love you girl♥.

Is just another year. Maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad. But in order for it to be any different than 2011, you have to make the change yourself. 2012 won't simply be better just because it's the New Year. 2012 is just a number. It's you that makes it the New Year.

So this year, take risks. Don't just go outside the box, jump outside the box. Make a change. Make a difference in the world around you.

Life it what you make it. So make it worth living.


One Moment
Ten: Ted

            Today is the funeral.
            It is rainy and cold.
            We sit in the front pews. My parents and sister is crying. People shuffle in wearing all black.
            I look down at my feet.
            The service starts. I don’t listen. My parents each go up one at a time to say quiet things about their son. Abigail speaks. Now I have to.
            I am called up by the priest that I have known my whole life. She pats me on the back and I stand behind the podium, in front of all these people. All these people who held Will dear to them.
            I cough. “Will was my brother.” I read from the paper I typed up the night before. It is filled with clichés and stupid sentimental things.
            “Because he was my twin…” I trail off. I look up at the crowd of people gathered. Everybody is watching me silently. In that moment, every single pair of eyes is on me. I take the paper in my hands and rip it in two.
            “Will was my twin brother. And he died. He’s dead.” Tears trickle down my face. People are confused. They have no idea what I’m doing.
            I don’t either. “Brothers are supposed to be friends. They’re supposed to have each others’ backs. I didn’t have Will’s back.” I look down at my feet. “He was my annoying brother. My stupid brother. The twin brother I never acknowledged.” People are staring at me, but I keep on going.
            “We weren’t friends. We were barely brothers. And if I had one last thing I could say to him, I would tell him I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I wasn’t a good brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t even a brother. I wish I could change it but I can’t. He’s gone.” I look up and I see someone standing up.
            It’s Callie. Her long brown hair is loose and her black dress looks like it’s from a couple years ago. Tears stain her face. Everyone turns to look as she quietly walks down the aisle out to the front doors. She pushes them open and sprints out.

To any Harry Potter fans out there...

Am I the only one who's kind of offended by the HP sketches on "So Random?"

Falling Snow

Cammie Nelson: Main Character, brown hair and hazel eyes
Jessica Nelson: cousin of MC, blonde hair and brown eyes
Jared Nelson: brother of MC, brown hair and blue eyes
Henry Neslon: cousin of MC, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes
Liam Daniels: family friend of MC, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes
Kath Daniels: family friend of MC, brown hair and brown eyes

Falling Snow

We couldn't tell our parents what had happened, they would never let us go back to the Quarry if we did.
Instead we made up a lie about hiking and then me falling in a puddle.
Thankfully, they bought it.
The thing I couldn't get over was the way Liam was acting. The whole way back he kept looking over and asking if I was okay.
It didn't make any sense.
Obviously, this is the point in my story that I admit "Wow! I have feelings for Liam, because this story is one big cliche! And I'm not going to say it out loud, but Liam likes me and it's really obvious."
But the thing is that, I don't have feelings for him. He will always be that chubby little kid to me. And I know that I'll always be that awkward flat chested skinny little 12 year old to him.
It's just the way things work.
No way around it.

feedback is much appreciated! 
this chapter was short but hopefully the next one will be up sometime tonight and have more:)

please look at my story: One Moment
it would actually mean the world to me♥
chapter one

One Moment
Nine: Callie

            When Thursday comes I am helped into the car. My dad sits quietly in the drivers’ seat and my mom talks quietly with him. Oliver sits next to me, quiet for once.
            We drive in silence to the funeral home, where people are all shuffling through to look at the coffin and eat their crumbling coffee cakes. We walk in and the smell of roses hits me. Will doesn’t like roses. He wouldn’t ever admit it, but his favorite flower is freesia.
            There is a line snaking through the room, to the back where the coffin is and Will lies. We all move forward in a silent line. Some people cry and some people whisper. But nobody breaks the silence outright.
            I am stone faced.
            When I reach the coffin with my mother and Oliver, I give Abigail a hug. Abigail is Will’s older sister. She came down from college on Monday to be here for the funeral. She is crying. Next to her is Ted, Will’s twin brother. He is choking back tears and not making eye contact with anyone. Mr. Donahue shakes my hand. “Thank you.” He says quietly. He shouldn’t be thanking me, I killed his son. Mrs. Donahue pulls me into a hug and cries shamelessly.
            As we pull away, Mrs. Donahue hands me a shoebox. I don’t look at it, because the coffin is right there, and Will is sleeping inside.
            All time stops and I look at his still body. He is wearing a dress shirt and pants that are too short. His curly blonde hair has been cut. He hates his hair short. Inside the coffin there are bits and pieces of his life. Gifts from the many people who loved him. His track sneakers, a photo album, trophies, CDs. I have nothing to give him. But at the same time I owe him everything.
            If I were a good person I would just shoot myself in the head and climb in there with him.
            Because if you really think about it I owe him life. And it might as well be my own.
            The line moves forward and Will is left behind.
            We push through into a room where people are standing around, eating hors d’oeuvres and drinking coffee. I sit down on a chair in the corner while my mother talks to some ladies and Oliver stands with my father.
            I hold the box in my lap and take off the lid.
            Inside are envelopes. I take one out. It is an envelope and I can tell there is some sort of letter inside. I flip to the side where you write the address and find my own name staring back at me in Will’s hand writing.
            The letters are all stamped and addressed to me.
            I have never seen these before in my life, they were never sent.
            All at once I don’t want to have anything to do with these letters.
            They are the last piece of Will that I will ever have. I don’t want these letters. I don’t deserve to have this last and final connection with the dead boy who is sleeping in the coffin in the next room.
            I replace the one letter I have taken out and close the lid. I get up to go give the shoebox back to Mrs. Donahue, but my parents are already at my side, motioning for me to come to the car with her.
            I am swept away, with the box still in my hands.

the hardest part of growing up

is letting go of everything that made us feel safe

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