
Joined: January 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 145731

Hey guys
Hey guys. I'm becca. I'm almost 14. This was originally a secret witty where i said things and no one i knew personally could read them. now i decided it's just gonna be where i post my stories and stuff because I've been writing a lot lately and I really like to and stuff. 
A little bit about me: 
I love photography and meeting new people and friends and i love my family. i have a bunch of pets; my parents are divorced; i have a crapload of food allergies... i play soccer, i ski, i do lots of stuff. if you have any questions about me then just comment on my profile and ask ! :) 
hey guys just gonna post some of my stories soon i guess :) ...

Quotes by skier_x3


Yeah, welcome to my preppy and rich high school where everyone has friends and a big house with a pool. We’ve got everything in this school; the hot guys, the popular people, the nerds… and then there’s me, a complete different category. Ok, I have a boyfriend and a house with a pool and all the new styles, but does that mean I have friends? No, they practically dumped me and now I feel like Cole doesn’t want to be with me anymore now that he knows I’m not one the preps.  He doesn’t act like he loves me at all, yet because I love him so much; I’m scared to ask him about it and risk losing him… I don’t even have friends anymore that will be there for me. Why can’t I have a friend like in all the movies? One that will be there for you all the time and is your one and only best friend? It’s just so unrealistic and I wish I could have one. Before the summer, it felt like I had three best friends that were so amazing and always there for me that it was almost fake, yet I thought they were real; I thought they were my perfect friends. But now, I know they have they’re own little movie type of relationship within themselves, and I was just one of them out of pity.
I’m a sophomore, and I still feel like I’m dealing with the old middle school drama that I had. Stupid little fights with friends, the feeling of jealousy with the guy, I mean, it’s like I’m reliving middle school with more homework. I thought maybe people would grow out of stupid things like that, maybe mature a little by their second year of high school, but I guess I was wrong. There are still the clicks with the preps and popular people, the nerds, and the miserable people in the middle. Again; just like middle school. It feels like in every other high school, people have their own groups of friends, but no one’s more popular then someone else. But, of course, with my luck, why would something so convenient happen in my life? 


When butterflies are 

in love;; 

do they get humans in their stomachs? 


nottt myformat.


Boy I Hear You In My Dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart... 
 Y o u  m a k e  i t  e a s i e r  w h e n  l i f e  g e t s  h a r d. 




I feel like an idiot.
I think i am one, too. 

not my format.
with my best friend.
i love her so much, that i can't ;
deal to argue with her.


click the heart if you understand...

LET's start here
take me aside and hold my hand. tell me everything is going to be alright. kiss my lips with gentleness and tell me everything is going to be alright. be my best friend i'll ever have, and tell me everything is going to be alright. arm wrestle with me and have a good time, but tell me everything is going to be alright. hold me when i cry, rub my back when i die, and tell me everything is going to be alright. cry with me when i'm sad and please, tell me everything is going to be alright. when everyone leaves me for who i am, tell me everything is going to be alright. if i break my leg, or hit my head, play with my hair and tell me everything is going to be alright.  If i'm grounded, come to my window and throw pebbles, but tell me everything is going to be alright. if the power goes out, the heat is down, come to me and lay yourself on me, warm me up, then tell me everything is going to be alright. if i throw up, hold my hair back and tell me everything is going to be alright. when i get pregnant, and i'm screaming at the age of 22 in the delivery room, tell me everything is going to be alright. when my mother dies when i'm 50, hold me close and tell me everything is going to be alright. when we're sitting, watching tv, worrying when our lives will end at 86, hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be alright. but when you die, at 95, i'll look at your grave. you won't be there to tell me that everything is going to be alright.        
          i'll tell myself

How do I do it Kiss me in the rain
, Take away my pain. Why don't you understand, that this all I have in hand. You tell me you're my friend, but really, 'til the end? I dream of your hair and of your kindness and think, we should be a pair. I cry when I see you, then I trip over my shoe. I run away from your hugs, and regret it. Ugh. I fell on the ice, running away from your sympathy, I want more of your nice.. I don't go a moment without think of me and you, you just really have to shoo. I can't take the pain anymore, my heart has finally tore. &
thats how it ends

long but worth reading 

Some views, clicks, 
followers. Go to
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format by silje_x3