
Joined: December 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 252095

sexyandiknowit20's Favorite Quotes

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She's gone, I'm ignoring them, my friends stayed and I have a feeling he's on his way

Why is it that even when your dating her, I still hear that you llike me? <3

"just like the clouds my eyes will do the same,    if you walk away, everyday it will rain." 

Girl: I HATE YOU!!
Guy: ...
Girl: Oh sorry, my cat stepped on my keyboard
Guy: Hahaha lol ok
Girl: Wanna hear a secret?
Guy: Sure
Girl: I don't have a cat...
Funny how your smile changes my whole mood but when she smiles at me it's like ' look away woman' :)

My perfect life may be a dream but I'm living as close to that dream as I can

Some people make me realize why I hate just about everyone at my school... -____-

Lately, all I want to do is sleep...