
Status: #becauseitsthecup
Joined: May 9, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 359773
Location: at least buy me a cat first
Gender: F


fûck you. it's tuukka time
Hi, I'm evii and i love tyler seguin, patrick kane, tuukka rask, gabriel landeskog and jonathan toews. bye.
also ask me questions at I'm bored as fûxk love youu;*
main account myboo  ¡™£

seguinista's Favorite Quotes

I was not a jealous person before we met;
now I'm not so sure.
I don't know why I care so much;
you are not even mine.


I am sick
of waiting
for something good
to happen.




what is more deadly;
a gun or a thought?

a gun gives you the oppurtunity,
but a thought pulls the trigger.

This quote does not exist.
I think I'll
miss you forever.
Like the stars miss
the sun in the
morning skies.


Him: You've been annoying me lately.
Me: Um why
Him: You do this thing where you ALWAYS wear clothes and it's actually really starting to bug me.

This quote does not exist.

Maybe that's why the spider spins his web and traps the fly.
Because he's jealous of his ability to kiss the sky.



and wcanstoand  wwont stop
Today I learned that
if you murder someone on an unregisterd boat in international waters, then throw the body overboard they can't trace it back to one legal system. Then you can't be prosecuted for their murder.