
Joined: February 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152210


love forever.
well, hey. i'm kiley. long black hair, flat nose, brown eyes, tallish. click on this for a picture. i love witty♥ my friends are pretty amazing, too; soccerlover2101, breezygirl825, and a bunch that don't have accounts, love you all(= lacrosse and field hockey= my sports, i tried soccer but my feet are waytoo uncoordinated for that.  music is my life, i listen to almost everything.  I'm a summer girl, i love the beach, but fall's alright too.  ive liked a guy for a while, but we're still just friends, so  single, but not available. I play piano&guitar, but i'm ok at best[;. imma dork, im either super energetic or super sleepy, and i avoid drama.  thats probly why i like hanging around guys a lot.  blow out the candles on may 20th, i'm 13.  i care a lot about clothes and appearance and stuff, but don't really like makeup.  i think rains romantic and am a sucker for sensitive guys; i hate when boys are overconfident. anyways, hmu if you want, i like talking to people.  alright, bye♥

Quotes by secretlove707

♥ what's the opposite of two?

*not mine, credit to bemine


she's gonna chase you around for a while, it's true. don't let it get to you're head though. one day she's going to stop running circles around you.  she's gonna get over you

and at that very moment you're going to *{wish}* you had let her catch you. well,





but when she comes home,
she takes the makeup off.
she goes back to crying and sobbing and pounding the floor, knowing that her and *him* could be more.  looking in the mirror at her sorrow-worn face, his lips on hers, she could still taste.  screaming and pounding a pillow with her fists, wishing that she could have more of that kiss.  knowing that *he* would never come back, her heart felt like it was under attack.
it was shattered and scarred and broken in two,
being abandoned, she never knew 
would hurt this much, seeing his hand in that {girl's}
made the walls she built up come down; her blood curdle.  now she's alone in this world but she won't let anyone see, because a VULNERABLE girl, she never could be.  she puts on her confidence makeup, builds back her walls, then walks out of her room and into the hall.



my [head] says 
"who cares?"
& then my 
heart whispers
"you do, stupid."


*not mine

there are 6 billion people in the world.
6 billion f*cking people.
of those,
there are at least one for you.
maybe you'll meet one in a quaint, little coffee shop.
or on vacation at the beach.
no matter what,
there is someone out there looking for you.
just like *you*
are looking
for *them.* <3

*not mine

she smashed the rearview mirror with her
cuz starting today,
she's never looking back.

*not mine

clean up your {act}-
your story's getting dusty.
wash out your {mouth}-
your lies are getting rusty.

LOVING you was

my [favorite]

i kinda wanna be more than friends... ;)

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